Page 40 of Seer

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“I’m glad you’re able to find joy in books again. Hex told me how much you love to read, but I’ve barely seen you with a book since you woke up from the coma. The fact that you’re doing this says a lot.”

“I’ve decided to take each day as it comes, let go of situations that I can’t control, and fight my battles as they come.”

I nod wordlessly and look toward the window. The curtains are pulled, but I can almost imagine the lush green trees and the bright blue sky beyond the windows on a typical afternoon… I wish I had that view right now to distract me from his sensuous woody scent and the lurid images running loose in my mind.

I wonder if he can hear the heavy beating of my heart.

I can’t help but ask myself again the reason for my presence in his room. It’s definitely

not to talk about books or battles… I want something…But what?

“I like you.”There, I said it…

My confession wasn’t impulsive. I guess, while I hadn’t wanted to admit it to myself, the real reason I’d come knocking on his door was to get the whole thing off my chest. But I turn around to see Seer’s unreadable expression, and I wonder if I should have kept my mouth shut.

I can’t stop now, though.

So I keep looking into his eyes, ignoring the violent thudding of my heart. “I… like you a lot. When my heart started beating for you, I don't know. I imagine absurd things, like what it’d be like to have you as my man. I never used to have such thoughts. It’s as scary as it is exciting.” I take in a deep breath and let it out in a rush. I stand up quickly, clearing my throat nervously. “I… I… should go now.”

I start to leave, but Seer gently grabs my hand and pulls me back to the couch. He smiles softly into my eyes. “Are you just going to leave after dropping a bombshell like that on me? Don’t you think I have something to say back?”

“I… “I swallow nervously. “I’m sorry. Please, go on.”

Seer chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. “I like you too, Victoria. Damn, I think I might be falling for you.”

“What?” My voice came out in a strangled choke, but I was past the feeling of embarrassment. I can feel myself drowning in the icy blue depths of his eyes, helpless against the tides.

“I want all of you, Tory,” Seer continues, keeping me a prisoner of his melting gaze. “I want you to be my woman.”

I swallow nervously. “Your woman? Wh…What does that mean?”

I don’t know at what point I became a stuttering fool, but I can’t seem to think past my pounding heart. Seer doesn’t make it any easier for me. He scoops closer to him and takes my hands in his large, warm ones. His thumbs move over the back of my hands in a soft caress, all the while looking deeply into my eyes.

“I want you to be all mine, Victoria. I want to show you to the whole fucking world. I want to have the right to stab whichever motherfucker dares to covet you.” He chuckles slightly, his hands tightening gently on mine. “And maybe sometimes I can scream at the top of my voice in public, Yo, bitches! Look at this gorgeous woman. She’s mine.”

The picture made me laugh. “You wouldn’t do that,” I say, shaking my head.

Seer bops his head, his smile widening. “Oh, I will… I’ll do that and so much more.”

I shiver unconsciously, ensnared in the enticing promises that his eyes hold. I clear my throat nervously, swiping my tongue over my suddenly dry lips.

“Fuck,” Seer mutters, his gaze dropping to my lips before returning to my eyes. His eyes suddenly seem brighter… translucent, almost.

“Don’t do that to me.”

I blink at him in confusion. “What?”

He leans forward to trail his right thumb along my lower lip, sending magical sparks through every nerve ending in my body. “Don’t lick your lips like that… Or look at me like you’re doing now. You make me want to kiss you.”

I suddenly feel breathless… Like I’d walked a thousand miles when I’d only allowed myself to get lost in the promises that his eyes held.

“Kiss me, Nicholas.”

His face registers surprise. “Do you… can I do that?”

I lean forward and place my lips against his. He stills. Neither of us moved for a second, and then he opened up, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulled my body closer to his, taking control of the kiss. I place my hands on his shoulders, tilting my head to give him better access. My eyes flutter closed, and I let myself feel. He tastes like liquor… something exotic and heady. His lips move slowly over mine, gently. Suddenly the tempo changes, and he’s kissing me harder, his tongue plunging rudely into my mouth, arousing a consuming hunger that I never knew existed. I match his energy. I learned the rhythm of his tongue and danced to his tune.

This was nothing like how I imagined kissing Seer would be. It is a thousand times better than I imagined. This is wild…perfect.
