Page 59 of Priceless Kiss

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I sigh. Clearly, most of these old reports will be defunct, but I’m sure there’s something I can use. I try another and find that it’s a news report about a business takeover by Wolfe Capital. I’m not sure what will turn out to be relevant, so I pull a notepad out of my purse and start taking notes.

Three hours flies by, and my hand aches from all the writing I’ve done. I don’t know if I’ve really found anything that can help me, but I figure that there’s no such thing as too much information. When the alarm on my burner phone goes off, I tuck everything away in my purse and close out of the archive system. On my way out the door, I thank the librarian and tell her I’ll be back.

As I head back to the shopping district, I think hard about Sebastian and what my next move should be. It would be easy to write Becca’s oh-so-helpful advice off as jealousy, to get me out of the way, but what she told me is true: Sebastian does love the chase. So, I need to step things up to keep his attention. I’m mulling what I can do, when I pass an expensive looking lingerie store.

I smile. This seems like a good place to start.

“Did you have a good day?”I ask Sebastian over dinner, a lavish spread in the formal dining room.

“Hmm?” He looks up from his phone. Everyone from Wolfe Capital has left, but he’s still distracted. He keeps checking his messages and has barely sent a glance my way.

Which doesn’t exactly give me much confidence in my whole ‘Keep him interested’ plan. I’m wearing one of the new sets of lingerie I bought today under my dress, the emerald lace not doing much to contain my breasts, but it’s not really made for support anyway. This particular bra and panty set is designed for seduction.

Which doesn’t seem to be on the menu, judging by Sebastian’s complete indifference to me.

“I asked if your day went alright, the big takeover bid?”

He nods. “We’re pulling it together.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

There’s a pause. “What about you?” Sebastian finally asks.

“Good,” I say, picking at the food left on my plate. “I went shopping.”

His damn phone is in his hand again. “Get anything nice?”

He’s not listening for my answer. It’s just an obligatory question.

“Actually, I did. New lingerie.”

I throw the words out casually, and it’s hard not to flash a smile as his head finally snaps up.

Now I have his attention.

“Really?” he asks, his eyes roaming over me as if he’s trying to see through my clothes to what I’m wearing underneath.

I blush. This is still new to me. I’m not skilled at seduction. But I must be doing a good enough job because he takes the bait, and sits back in his chair with an arrogant, smoldering look.

“Well, since I funded these little purchases, I think that means I deserve a look.” Sebastian smiles at me. “To make sure they’re worth it.”

“They are,” I say, flirty. I’m just reaching for my buttons, when Leon comes through the door with a bottle of wine.

“Go,” Sebastian says, his eyes still fixed on me. “And tell everyone they have the night off.”

Leon disappears back into the kitchen. I know that most of the staff has already left for the day, so it won’t take long for the few remaining people to clear out.

Sebastian doesn’t wait, though. Standing, he takes my hand and leads me through the house to the living room, closing the doors behind us.

“Show me,” he commands, and I feel desire pool, low in my stomach. And nerves. I remind myself that I was fully naked with this man just last night, but this feels different. He undressed me then, but now,I’mtrying to enticehim.

I start to undo the buttons on my silk blouse. I’m only on the second one when he speaks again.

“No.” Sebastian says, his eyes burning into mine. “Slowly.”

He strolls over to the stereo system and scrolls on the screen. A moment later, sultry music plays all around us, drifting from invisible speakers. Sebastian settles in a large wingback chair and waits expectantly.

He wants a show.
