Page 34 of Wild

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Mia Hayes has grown up around music all her life, it’s what she wants to do in the future too, and I know she has an ear for sound. Therefore, her approval does mean the world to me. I can tell it’s not something she gives out lightly.

She smiles at me, a rare, entirely genuine smile. It’s one she doesn’t usually give me, but maybe she’s growing to like me more. Why is it I selfishly hope she is? The fact of the matter is I don’t deserve someone as pure hearted as Mia in my life let alone as a friend or lover.

“We better head back,” I warn her.

She looks at the time on her phone, cursing under her breath. “You’re right.”

We throw the trash away and hurry back to the bike. I haul ass back to her campus, thankfully it’s not far, and she squeezes me tight the whole time.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t soaking in the feel of her body wrapped around mine, afraid this might be the only time I ever have her this close.



Only a few hours have passed since my lunch with Hollis when I walk into the studio, Dean Wentworth hot on my heels. He’s my age, and the boyfriend of my cousin Willow. Technically, Willow and I are not cousins by blood, but since she’s Maddox’s—the drummer in my dad’s band—daughter it totally counts.

“Come on,” Dean whines behind me, on my heels like a dog. “It’s one song. I want to record it for Willow and give it to her for Christmas.”

“We’re not running a charity here,” I grumble, turning to look at him over my shoulder. His Pokémon shirt is pulled taut over his lean body. He’s the definition of the word adorkable and it makes perfect sense why he clicks so well with free-spirited Willow.

“Please,” he begs.

“No,” I snap. I actually like Dean, but he’s all too fun to mess with.

“Uncle Hayes will let me.” He narrows his green eyes on me.

Dean and I areactuallyrelated by blood. His dad and mine are cousins. But I’ve always grown up closer to my dad’s bandmates’ kids than him and his siblings. On the road, we only had each other. It made sense to stick together.

Dean follows me into the back and straight into the recording room The Wild has been occupying.

“Jesus, I can’t shake you,” I grumble. Looking up my eyes connect with Hollis’s and he looks livid eyeing Dean behind me.

Someone’s jealous.

“Dean,” my dad crows. “What a nice surprise.”

I toss my thumb over my shoulder. “In Dean’s words, he’d like tocommandeerone of the booths to record a song for Willow to give her for Christmas.” I pretend to gag. “Love makes me choke,” I joke. I actuallylikebeing in love. The problem is the guys I fall for end up being jerks and I end up hurt. It’s why I know I have to keep Hollis at arm’s length. It’d be all too easy to fall into the abyss that is him and he’s one man I’m not sure I could recover from. I can’t help but glance in his direction and watch as his eyes settle from a blazing gold to a soft amber as he realizes I’m not interested in Dean nor is he interested in me.

I practically vomit at the thought.

“Not a problem,” my dad says. “Let me know when you need a booth and I can help you out. Or Mia can. She knows what to do.” I glare at my dad but he’s oblivious.

Dean gives me a triumphant smile and I stick out my tongue. I can’t help but dissolve into laughter. Pretending to be irritated with Dean never lasts long. He’s too big of a goof toactuallybe mad at.

“I gotta get back to work,” he says, shoving his shaggy hair out of his eyes. “See you guys later.”

“Tell Willow we need to hang out,” I call after him.

“Will do.” He gives me a mock salute.

“Why do you insist on giving him a hard time?” My dad asks and I glance toward the booth, seeing Fox paused in his recording, his guitar hanging in front of him as he watches us through the glass.

“Um … because it’s fun. He’s practically like a brother. It’s all too easy to mess with him.”

My dad simply shakes his head and pushes a button to speak to Fox.

“Is anybody hungry? Coffee?” I ask.
