Page 51 of Wild

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“I still say you should think about moving into your own place,” she says the words lightly but with a slight edge. “You’re barely home anyway. It seems like if you had your own place, you’d have more time to relax.”

As we reach the street, I look at her and shrug. “It’s something I’ve actually been considering these last few weeks,” I admit. “With school starting back up and workingandhelping at the studio … it’s a lot. I wanted to go here to be able to stay home, but even this is too much of a commute.”

“It is,” she agrees, slipping on her sunglasses. “I’ve been wondering how you’re able to keep up. You’re superwoman. I know of some apartments available if you decide you want to look.”

“I don’t know,” I hedge. Getting my own place is a scary decision. I’d be on my own, with no help from my parents. While there’d be plenty of perks to being on my own there would be negatives too.

“Looking isn’t deciding,” she tells me. “At least it would give you an idea of what’s available.”

“True,” I agree with a sigh. “We better get going.”

She waves goodbye and we make plans to meet at the cafeteria later.

I pull out of the spot and onto the street. On my way to school, I pass the studio and I can’t help but slow down as I do, peering through the front windows like I can see all the way inside to the recording booth in the back.

I say a silent prayer no one knows what we did last night on that couch.



Imade it back to the hotel, managing to avoid my friends, or else they’d already left. I didn’t bother to stop to check when I got there. I took the quickest shower of my life, washing Mia’s scent off my body. I hated for it to go, but I knew it was necessary. Then changed my clothes before quickly heading out.

Now, my steps are hurried as I walk down the street. I’m late, and I have no doubt the guys know I didn’t return to the hotel last night. I only hope they keep their big fat mouths fuckingshut.

I open the studio door, heading straight for the recording room.

Hayes swivels in his chair at the sound, his eyes narrowed. “You’re late.”

“Sorry,” I say, trying to sound as truly apologetic as possible. “I overslept.”

“Mhmm,” he hums.

From the couch Cannon glares at me, shaking his head.

Fox is already in the booth and Rush…

“Where’s Rush?” I ask.

“We were hoping you knew,” Cannon drawls. “You headed off with him last night and neither one of you returned.”

I swallow thickly. He’s covering for me, he knows I stayed behind with Mia and what most likely happened. He knows, and he’s pissed, ready to go at blows with me but never in front of Hayes.

“R-Right,” I stutter. “We got separated, though. I went back to the hotel late,” I glare, daring him to contradict me, “but I don’t know what happened to Rush after.”

Cannon sighs, his lip curling in disgust. “You two need to grow the fuck up.”

“Amen,” Hayes adds.

I sneer. “Don’t act so high and mighty,” I tell Cannon. “I’ve caught you with your tongue down a few random throats.”

“Keyword there,” he sits up straight, “you saidfew.”

I sigh and sink on the couch, shutting my mouth. I can’t afford to piss off Cannon. Even if he’s angry with me I don’t think he’d rat me out to Hayes. We’d all be punished then, so I don’t risk it. I’m more worried about how it would bother Mia. She loves and respects her dad, his approval is everything, and … I swallow past the lump in my throat as I realize he’ll never approve of me.

Normally, I wouldn’t give a shit about some daddy’s approval, but this isn’tsome dad. This is Joshua Hayes, badass guitar player, member of one of the biggest bands in the world, andMia’sdad.

I want him to like me. I want to be good enough. It’s dejecting to know that no matter what I do Hayes will more than likely never like me.
