Page 21 of Dirty Devil

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Nope. I definitely don’t get it.

Reformed bachelor?

And what the bloody hell is a Cramington?

Is that some weird American sex thing?

Maybe he thinks I’m someone else…

“This is Foster Craig.”

“Oh, I know who I’m calling; the British hockey man with two first names.” He laughs again, and I flatten my lips into a thin line. I’m not amused. He’s supposed to be one of the best agents out there, but I’m really starting to question my agent picking skills. Clearly, they’re subpar. “Imagine my surprise when I get up and find my client has gone viral.”

“What are you talking about? What do you mean, viral? And what the fuck is a Cramington?” I sit down on the side of my bed and run a hand through my damp hair, flinging water droplets down my back.

I’ve got a strong feeling I’m not going to like any of his answers.

“I’m talking about the video and pictures of you announcing to the whole damn world that you have a girlfriend, and then kissing her in front of several people with phones, and a reporter. Cramington is your couple name. Try to embrace it.”

Ah, shit.

My stomach drops and dread washes over me. I’m not sure why he’s so damn cheery; this is bloody terrible. So much for keeping quiet and out of the news until my contract is settled and we can get some of my sponsors back.

Not only that, but Rhett’s going to kill me. If he doesn’t beat me to a pulp, I’ve no doubt Avery will finish the job.

I pick up the phone, cradling it between my hands, and holding it close to my face. “That was all one big misunderstanding. And I will never be known as a Cramington.”

“Better get used to it, kid. I’ve seen the video on your social media. They tagged you, by the way, and we really should talk about your choice of clothing.” He pauses, and I can only imagine him taking another look at that awful costume. “Anyway, the whole situation looks pretty cut and dry to me. This should be easy.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I grit out, my damn jaw clenching so tight my teeth ache.


He’s way too amused for a guy I could fire any second.

“No,” I sigh, getting up and pacing around my room. “I kissed her to convince someone I was unavailable. She’s Rhett’s little sister, and I’m sure she’s pretty pissed at me right now.”

“Well, if I were you, I’d go over there and kiss and make up, sooner rather than later if you catch my drift.”

I stop mid-step and stiffen. There has to be a catch, something I’m missing. “Why is my love life any of your business?”

“It became my business when you hired me.” Now it’s his turn to sigh, and this time when he starts talking, there’s an edge of frustration to his tone. “Look, your old agent screwed you big time and cost you a lot of money. If you want me to work my magic and pull in more sponsors and more money, then you need to listen. Everyone likes the new you; the monogamous you. I don’t care if the relationship with Rhett’s sister is real, but you two need to make it look real. Plus, your contract with the Devils isn’t a sure thing, not with Dean Prescott taking the general manager spot. He’s been known to make some pretty risky trades. No one is safe without a secure contract.”

“Wait, are you telling me to convince Avery to be in a fake relationship with me? For my career?”

“I’m not telling you to do anything, but if you want these endorsements back, and your renewal contract to go smoothly, you’ll give your image a facelift.”

“A facelift,” I deadpan, sitting back down on my bed, but this time at the foot.

“Yep. I’ve got to say, I’m a little surprised.”

“You’re bloody surprised?”

“Yeah.” He’s back to chuckles. “She’s not the kind of woman you usually go for.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” My jaw clenches, and my hand grips the phone so tightly I might crack the case. I swear to everything that is holy I will fire him if he says a single bad thing about Avery. She’s fucking perfect the way she is.

“She’s real.” He pauses like he’s giving me time to let it sink into my brain. Does he think I don’t know? “Think about it.”
