Page 17 of Vegas Vows

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We stand in silence for what feels like hours or even days, and finally I can’t take it any longer. I need to reject him before he rejects me.

“No,” I croak out and everyone seems surprised. “We’re not going to get married.”



“No, we’re not getting married.”

Those five words crush the heart I like to pretend that I don’t have.

I had been about to ask her. About to tell her that I wanted to marry her, that maybe our drunk selves were trying to tell us something. But she spoke up before I could suggest it.

I’ve always been fighting my attraction to Eden, but over time, instead of disappearing like I had hoped, my fascination with her has only grown.

She’s been there for me like no one else. Other assistants could barely stand to be around me for more than a few days, but not Eden. She can handle my mood swings and grouchy attitude. She even seems to find it amusing.

She brought me soup and medicine when I was sick, worked late with me countless nights to close deals in time, and gets along with my family better than I do. She helps me shop for their birthday and Christmas gifts every year and talks to my mom more than I do.

She’s smarter than me and her wit is like no other. She’s funny, beautiful, talented, and hard working.

She’s my perfect match.

Now I’ve missed my chance.

If only I hadn’t hesitated. I never freeze up in any other area of my life, but with Eden, I’m terrified to make a wrong move and lose her.

It hurts to look at her, but I do, and I’m surprised to see that she almost seems disappointed with her answer.

Could she possibly want me, too, and just is afraid, like I am?

“Okay, well, if you change your mind, let us know,” Frank/Elvis answers with a sad look.

I wonder what he sees when he looks at us. I wonder if it’s just a myth that everyone who was married here stays together.

“Thanks,” I murmur, taking Eden’s elbow and leading her out onto the sidewalk.

The sun is starting to set and I realize that we haven’t eaten anything yet.

“Are you hungry?” I ask but she shakes her head no.

She’s not talking and I wish that I knew what to say.

Do I just blurt out that I love her? That I want to marry her, even though I know this seems sudden and crazy?

The walk back to the hotel is silent, both of us lost in our thoughts. We ride up in the elevator with another couple who can’t keep their hands off each other and I hate them. I want it to be me and Eden.

She has the key and she lets us into the suite. I wonder if I should leave. It feels like too soon to be locked away in a room with her. I need to build up my walls so that she can’t see how heartbroken I am.

“I’m going to start packing. Do you want to order room service?” she asks, barely looking at me.

“I’ll go grab us something.”

She nods, turning the corner and heading into the bedroom.

I bolt for the door, taking a deep breath as I ride down in the elevator. I swear that I can still smell her scent and I rub the spot above my heart.

The Las Vegas streets are starting to get crowded and it takes me close to an hour to walk down to the restaurant, grab us burgers, and make it back to the hotel.
