Page 4 of Vegas Vows

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“We’re inLas Vegas! We should be out hitting up the strip, playing blackjack or something. We should catch a show!” I say, grabbing his forearm and shaking him.

“Absolutely not.”

“Listen, boss man. I don’t get a ton of time off. You are kind of demanding, you know? So I know this is a work thing, but that’s really only the meeting tomorrow afternoon. The rest of the time on this trip is my vacation. Got it?”

Alexander rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue with me. Instead, he just pushes me forward, corralling me onto the elevator. A couple gets on with us and immediately starts making out in the other corner. Alexander crowds me into the far corner, blocking me from them and I smile. He’s weirdly protective of me sometimes.

“Maybe we should switch rooms with them. They look like they would enjoy the honeymoon suite,” I side whisper to Alexander and he glares down at me but I can see him biting back a smile.

The couple stumbles off the elevator and Alexander moves a few feet away from me. We ride the rest of the way up to our floor in silence.

Our suite is on one of the top floors and there’s only four other doors in the hallway up here with us. I can hear Alexander grumbling under his breath, but I ignore him, taking in the artwork on the walls as I wait for him to open our door.

“Oh dear God,” he huffs out as soon as the door is open and I burst out laughing.

“Wait, wait! Let me get a picture to send to Anthony and Ames!”

Alexander tries to close the door on me but it’s too late, I’ve already snapped the picture and am hitting send.

“I’m never going to hear the end of this,” he grouses as he wheels our luggage past the living room and into the bedroom.

The whole place is done in soft white fabrics. There are sheer curtains in the living room with a plush white rug in the living room between two white suede couches. The coffee table is glass with gold legs.

There are gold lamps on the end tables and floor-to-ceiling windows on the entire back wall. I head over that way and push my face against the wide window, staring out at the twinkling Vegas lights.

“Come check this out, dear!” I call and I hear him yell back.

“Never call me that again, pumpkin!”

I chuckle, leaning closer to the glass. If I stand just right, I can see most of the strip from here.

“Careful,” Alexander says, coming up behind me and jerking me away from the window.

“What were you afraid was going to happen to me?” I ask, laughing.

He doesn’t answer me, just glares at the clear glass.

“How’s the bedroom, baby?”

“Don’t call me that, either.”

“You’re no fun.”

He makes some noncommittal noise, staring around at the rest of the suite.

“There’s only one bedroom.”

“Yeah,” I say slowly, like he’s an idiot. “This is thehoneymoon suite.Do you know a lot of married couples who don’t want to sleep in the same room right after their wedding?”


“You love me.”

“You can’t prove that.”

“Where are you sleeping?” he asks, his eyes darting to the bedroom and then back to my face.

“Bedroom. Where are you sleeping?”

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