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“And if I got up right now and walked down all those stairs and opened the front door?” Ben’s heart felt like it wanted to beat right through his ribcage and out of his body. This was worse/better than being on a roller coaster.

“You’re still recovering,” Simon insisted. Ben thought Simon was trying for earnest sincerity, and that was in there, but there was something else underneath. Maybe something Simon himself didn’t know was there. It was voice of every child who doesn’t want to share his toys. “It’s for your own good—”

Ben stood up. The best way to be caught was to start running.

“Where are you going?” Simon asked, sounding close to panic.

Ben didn’t answer. He didn’t need to. Instead, he walked out of the media room and started for the stairs. Ben could hear Simon behind him so he picked up his pace. He made it to the next level—the one Simon’s mother lived on. As he rounded the landing to go down to the second level, Ben was grabbed from behind, hoisted up in the air, then thrown over Simon’s shoulder like a used dishtowel.

“Simon!” Ben gasped. This had been the intended outcome, but he hadn’t expected Simon to literally throw him over his shoulder like a pillaging barbarian. It knocked the breath right out of him and he still wasn’t back to one hundred percent in the lung department.

Simon said nothing as he went down another flight of stairs then started walking down a hallway.

“Where are you taking me?” Although Ben knew where he hoped they were headed.

Again, Simon didn’t answer him. He came to a door, opened it, and went inside what might have been a bedroom. It was hard to tell while upside down and with the lights off in the room. Then the world tipped and Ben found himself flipped through the air then laid down on a soft bed.

“Simon?” Ben asked. His heart wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down and his cock was hard enough to be noticeable.

Simon walked out of Ben’s sight so he sat up on the bed. In the dark Ben could just make out Simon sitting in a nearby chair. He had his phone out and then held it up to his ear. Simon was making a call, but to who?

“Where are you?” Simon asked. “… Good. I need you… Just get here. Quick as you can… My room… that’s disgusting. Just get up here, okay?”

“Who did you just call?” Ben asked. The exciting romp he’d been hoping for had gone seriously sideways.


“But why?” Ben asked. He couldn’t help but notice the whine in his voice.

“Because obviously,” Simon said, his voice heavy, “I can’t be trusted.”


Simon’s Big Potentially Gay Freak Out

Sunday, December 17

Simon’s bedroom

The Gold Coast

Simon felt his entire world spin out of control and he didn’t know what to do, so he called the only person he could trust to come and fix things. He dialed Hudson’s number and hoped the man wasn’t running any errands.

The phone rang only once before Hudson picked up. “Yeah, Boss?”

“Where are you?” Simon asked. He tried not to shout into the phone. Hudson didn’t deserve that and the boy he’d run down and captured—and that thought made Simon queasy as hell—was already scared enough. Simon couldn’t bear to make it worse.

“Here. In the basement.” Hudson’s tone implied he couldn’t imagine where else he’d possibly be.

“Good. I need you.”

“What for?” Hudson asked suspiciously.

“Just get here. Quick as you can.”


“My room.”
