Page 36 of Closer to Sin

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“I’ll kill what doesn’t make it work,” I said with an eerie calmness. She needed to stop prying. I’d killed for her. I’d kill again for her. She knew that already.

* * *

Giaand I went down for breakfast. Lunch? Brunch? Whatever the fuck it was, I was starving. I smirked as Gia walked ahead of me. Honestly, she walked like she wasthoroughlyfucked last night. My lips tightened when I thought about the possibility of meeting my brothers in the kitchen. Would they be able to tell that subtle tic in her step was from being used to the point of soreness? Goddamn. Regardless, I liked to see it. I missed it. We hadn’t woken up together in quite some time.

Gia made it to the island first and plucked an orange from the bowl on the counter. She worked at peeling it open. Sammy looked up from his laptop to watch her. His eyes scanned her, examining her. I couldn’t tell what he was seeing, but I didn’t like the look on his fucking face from what he saw. She was oblivious to his staring as she tossed the peels into the trash. When she finally looked up, he snatched his gaze away from her. I hung around her protectively as I picked at some breakfast. I wasn’t sure if he was looking at her the way I looked at her—like I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into her—or if he was plotting her demise. I wasn’t okay with either option.

There was no hiding that I fucked her. We came downstairs together and she was wearing my t-shirt over her short shorts. Shelookedfucked. And she acted like it, too. Calm. Complacent. Satiated. At least until she became ravenous and went out of her way to fuck with me again.

Marco walked into the room. “Sammy, there’s fifty large missing from—” He stopped when he finally looked up and saw us in the kitchen.

“Missing from?” I asked.

Marco’s eyes leaped from mine to Gia’s and finally landed on Sammy. He didn’t want to talk business around her, I knew that, but if I had any hope of making this work, he needed to get used to it. “M-missing...”

“For fuck’s sake, Marco, spit it out.”

He cleared his throat. “From one of the off-shore accounts.”

“Is it missing, or is this the result of poor record keeping? Because I have little faith after seeing how he kept track of shit.”

“I don’t fucking know, Enzo. I don’t know. It says there should be two-seventy-five, but there’s only two-twenty-five.” Marco’s free hand gestured while the other held the paper. A red blaze of frustration popped onto his cheeks.

“Silvio probably sniffed that away,” I said with an annoyed snap in my tone as I sat at the table.

“Our father didn’t—” Sammy shook his head, stopping his own sentence. His naivety floored me. They had no idea Silvio did coke and used family money to support his ever-growing habit. At the rate he was going, he would have spent all our damn cash in another ten years. There were going to be holes in accounts because of it. I had to use money to get him his dope, and I sure as fuck wasn’t using any of my own to support his ass. But that’s where the problem would lie. I wasn’t sure what accounts he’d drawn money from. A little from several, if I had to guess. I just knew he handed me money, and I went and got him his drugs. I doubt he left a trail to follow, so if shit was missing, it was probably from that, but there’d be no way to know for sure.

“We need to stop looking for discrepancies, alright?” I snatched the paper from Marco and ripped it up. “Silvio was a god-awful book keeper. I say we focus on what we have and where. Forget about what itshouldbe. It is what it is. There’s no point in hunting cash we ain’t gonna find.”

“Alright, then I guess Sammy should balance the books,” Marco said.

“Why me?” Sammy asked.

“Because you got great attention to detail.” I seethed the words, and he knew I was talking about the way he’d stared at Gia. He cleared his throat, cheeks flaming red as he swept his laptop off the table and left.

Gia ripped pieces of her orange apart and ate them. “I can help with the books. I used to do it for my dad.” She pulled her legs beneath her.

“Not—” Marco snapped.

“Maybe,” I interrupted.

“Did you guys check sub-accounts?” she asked.


“I’m sure he—” We responded over each other. I cocked my head at Marco. “You haven’t checked sub-accounts?”

“I...” Marco looked back toward where Sammy had gone, and I expected him to run off, too. Not only was he not looking at the extent of the accounts, but it was Gia, his nemesis, who pointed it out. How embarrassing for him.

“Just go find them,” I commanded.

Marco left me and Gia alone in the kitchen. She stuck the final piece of orange into her mouth, the sweet juice dripping down her chin as she bit down. She looked smug, as she should. Marco should have known that. Her dark eyes sparkled with pride. She wiped the juice off her chin with the back of her hand. If she kept up shit like that, she’d be an asset to the damn business.

Our business.


