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“Diego, that’s so sweet. You didn’t have to do that.”

“You said this is his favorite, and I couldn’t exactly bring him flowers.”

I reached up on my toes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” I whispered. “But who says guys don’t like flowers?”

He thought it over for a moment. “You know? That would be nice. Why haven’t you bought me flowers yet?”

Laughing, I grabbed my purse and Mom’s keys off the hook by the door and started walking to the door. “We have plenty of time for that.”

Even though it was winter in Emerson, the air felt like spring used to in Kansas. Crisp. Especially with the moisture from the ocean permeating the air.

“Anything I need to know?” Diego asked as we stood by the car.

“We’ve prepped Dad for your visit, and he seems okay, but his body might remember your last interaction. If things start to escalate, I need you to leave the room.”

I could see the pain in his eyes as he opened his mouth to protest.

“There will be staff there,” I continued, “to step in so you don’t have to.” I reached up and smoothed the collar of his shirt. “The doctor thinks with regular visits, my dad will get to know you. I want him to know you as the wonderful guy you are.”

He nodded, his jaw clenching. “I hope he doesn’t hate me. After everything.”

We both knew what ‘everything’ was. It was in our past. “Enjoy the magic of the moment, remember?”

His eyes warmed, and he bent to kiss my forehead. “Thank you.”

The front door opened, and my mom walked down the front steps toward us. “Have I mentioned how cute you two are together?”

I smiled at her. “Only a million times.”

“Half a million,” she replied, going to the front door of the car.

I sat up front with her, and Diego rode in the back seat. Mom tried to make small talk about the last football game of the season coming up next week, but we were all tense. Nervous.

A nurse met us at the center and walked with us to Dad’s room, letting us know they’d reminded him about our visit this morning.

I linked hands with Diego, squeezing tightly. His grip was solid, comforting.

We could do this.

We could do this.

The nurse slowed in front of Dad’s open door, now with the permanent golden name plate, and knocked softly. “Doug, you have visitors.”

“Come in,” he called.

Mom went through the door first. “Hi, honey. April brought her boyfriend to meet you. Last time was a little rough, but I’m hoping you two can get along.”

I heard Dad say, “Why was it rough?”

He didn’t remember the fight, probably because of the sedative. It hurt, knowing his injury had taken such a toll. But I hoped he and Diego would make the most of their second chance at a first impression.

Mom said, “You got a little angry—you know how you do sometimes—and he stepped in to keep April safe.”

“I would never hurt Ape.”

“I know,” she replied.

I looked up at Diego, his eyes misting over.

“But that’s good, he looks out for her,” Dad said. Now my eyes were glistening too.

I squeezed Diego’s hand.

“Are they here?” Dad asked.

I pulled Diego through the door. “Hey, Dad. This is us.”

