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I started to feel more annoyed than hurt. If she was mad at me, she could simply say it. She didn't need to act like a child about it. We’re adults, and communicating is how we dealt with our issues.

And look who’s acting like a child. Yeah, look in the mirror! When did you shy away from speaking your mind? You’re not using your words either, you know!


I walked out of the Lodge and didn't look back, though I could feel her eyes on me.

The afternoon air was just what I needed. I felt caged up in my room at the Lodge. If only Lindsey wasn’t acting up, I wouldn't feel caged.

Who are you kidding? You knowshethinksyou’rethe one who’s acting up.

Why can’t I just open my mouth andtalkto her?

Even though I was beginning to hate her overreaction to a simple comment I made out of anger, I couldn't deny that I was also overreacting.

How am I supposed to apologize to her when she won't listen to me or look at me?

Well, you weren’t trying very hard either, man!

The vibrations from my mobile drew me out of my head. I brought my phone out and saw Eric calling. I did not pick up.

That put a break on my thoughts of Lauren and Lindsey. The fact that I suspected Eric was behind Lauren even showing up here got me even angrier about this whole mess.

Because I wanted to call Eric back from the Lodge, I didn't go as far as I had planned on my walk. I turned and headed back to the Lodge. Lindsey wasn't at reception when I came in. I was glad about that.

I couldn’t bear seeing her and not talking to her.

"You called," I said when Eric picked up.

"Where do you keep your phone?!"

Heyelledat me? Huh? Wow. Not like him at all.

My earlier urge to snap at him dissolved because I could tell something was up. Instantly, I was filled with anxiety. Whatever could shake Eric up was trouble.

Eric went on, "Sorry, but you'll have to cut your stay short and come back. There's an urgent matter that requires your attention here." He paused as if waiting for his words to sink in. "How soon can you get here?" he asked.

"What’s wrong?" I asked, troubled.

"I'll explain when you're here." He spoke to someone next to him. I couldn't make out his words. "All right then, buddy, I'll be seeing you soon," he said and simply hung up on me.

Whoa! He didn't even wait to hear if I was going to do what he asked.

I wanted to call Olivia and ask what was up, but I didn't want to waste any more time trying to find out what was wrong. I started packing my bags. The fact that Eric had kept me in the dark made everything worse.

What could have gone so very wrong that he needed me back? We have teams of skilled people on staff!

I had clothes at home, so I just decided to leave most of mine here. I packed up only my work and equipment.

I ordered a ride that would take me to the airport. Eric had already put my jet on standby for me.

That means he’s really concerned. Oh, boy …

I thought about telling Lindsey that I was leaving, but she wasn’t talking to me anyway. It wouldn't make any difference to her.

If I see her on my way out, I’ll explain.

Unfortunately for me, she wasn't at the reception desk or in the kitchen when I peeked in. I left without seeing or saying goodbye to her. I thought about leaving a note for her, but my car drove up just then.
