Page 34 of Untouched

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Sophia’seyeswentwideas she took the phone and saw who was calling. She flushed guiltily, as though she had been caught doing something wrong. The thought made Jay feel so sour he turned away to hide his expression, wiping his fingers on his jeans.

He picked his top up from the floor and pulled it on, because he knew it was over. He sat on the edge of his bed, watching Sophia as she answered the call.

She was naked, except for her knickers and shoes, looking totally wanton, her golden hair spilling over her shoulders, her lips red, her breasts full, pink nipples hard. She leant back against his record player stand as she answered the call, his wall of records framing her. What a fantastic sight: Sophia naked against a wall of the music they loved. His records, his girl.

Except she wasn’t his girl.

“Hi Simon.” She looked into the middle distance as she spoke, totally focused on the call, as though she’d forgotten she was naked, as though she had forgotten Jay’s fingers had just been slick and deep inside her, as though she’d forgotten he was there at all.

“…didn’t expect you until tomorrow…”

She wasn’t his girl. Never had been. Never would be.

He had known that. So why did it just strike him now, like a punch to his stomach, winding him and making the air in his lungs turn to stone?

“…if you’re not too tired, yes, dinner would be wonderful…”

Sophia folded an arm across her stomach, hugging herself as though cold. It squashed her breasts up a little, pushing them together. Jay’s barely cooled arousal flared, insistent, desperate, stupid. He clenched his hands into fists, straightened them, let out a long breath, then picked up the folded blanket from the end of his bed and went to drape it around Sophia’s shoulders.

She glanced up at him with a faint, distracted smile as he pulled the soft fabric around her.

“…you’re staying at the Green Lion? The restaurant there is meant to be good. Or I know a bistro not far from there. Nothing fancy, just simple French dishes…”

Jay picked up Sophia’s dress from the floor and folded it, placing it on the sideboard next to her, putting her bra on top. She looked from the clothes to Jay, eyes widening with some question or plea or apology he pretended not to notice.

“…see you at seven. Bye then.”

She ended the call.

“That was Simon. He left the conference early. Said after this morning’s seminar there wasn’t anything relevant so he thought he would come up a day early and see some more of Yorkshire.”

“See some more of you, you mean,” Jay said as lightly as he could, trying to find his usual smile. “Told you, Clements. Any man would be happy to date you.”

“I told him I’d have dinner with him tonight.”

“Excellent move, Clements.”

She put her phone down and pulled the blanket more tightly around her. “Jay…”


“I’m sorry.”

“Whatever for?”

“Because we…we were…we got interrupted.”

“I told you, Clements, that we would stop the moment you wanted. This afternoon was all about you.”

“But I didn’t want to stop… Should we…?”

“I think you need to go home and get ready for your dinner date, don’t you? I’ll let you change.”

He went out of the bedroom and into his sitting room. Sophia came through a couple of minutes later, clothed, but totally dishevelled. She was so lovely it was hard to look at.

“Um. Should we… Should we reschedule?”

“There’s not much time before my father’s deadline on Sunday. The contract only runs until Saturday anyway.”

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