Page 9 of Untouched

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Jay grinned. “But there’s no fun in it like that.”

Sophia let out a long, unhappy breath. “I suppose this was a mistake. Asking you. But I thought… Well, I thought you would be the perfect solution. You’re very experienced. And you don’t… I know nobody likes me, but I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind doing these things with me, given you do them with everyone else—”

Jay burst out laughing, appalled. “God, am I really so slutty?”

Sophia flushed. “I just thought it wouldn’t mean anything to you. It wouldn’t be an emotional thing for either of us. And then with the car, I thought the money would help. Oh! I forgot to mention the money. I’ll pay you the forty-five thousand you need. In exchange for this. I have plenty of savings because I never go out.”

Jay was, for the second time that morning, momentarily speechless. “You want to pay me forty-five thousand pounds to have sex with you?”

“Not just sex...”

“Of course. How could I forget? The kissing and the touching.”

Brackets, vaginal.

“And flirting and conversation,” said Sophia seriously. “I know it’s a lot to ask for. But I was thinking we could do an hour or two a week. One hour of the conversational practise and the other hour…the, um, physical side. I know I’m not much fun to be around, so I wouldn’t ask for more of your time than that. My party is in four weeks, and that’s about how long you have to get the money for the car, isn’t it? So it all works out perfectly...”

“Oh yes,” Jay said drily. “It all works out perfectly.” He tapped the list again. “You do realise this is completely crazy, right?”

“I know you don’t find me attractive, Jay. And I really would hate to think I was making someone do something they didn’t want to. So I understand if you’re saying no.”

“Wait…” He wasn’t quite ready to say no to forty-five thousand. Or, if he was being honest, to the thought of touching a woman who looked like Sophia Clements. This list thing, theselessonsshe wanted. It was…kinky. And he was totally up for that. Because Sophia was right. Hewasa slut. He’d done all sorts of things with all sorts of people, and quite honestly, he’d been getting a little fed up with it all. But this was new. And that was turning him on.

So much so that he had to shift in his chair and use the paper to cover his lap.

“I’m not saying no… But this is… It’s a lot.”

“Is it too weird? We can remove the physical part, if that makes it easier. Maybe I could find someone else.”

“No. No… I’m, erm, perfectly willing… But have you really thought this through? Is this really how you want to lose your virginity? With me?”

“I’m going to make sure you’re checked for STDs first, it’s in the small print there…” She leaned forward to point to the page he was holding, while he boggled, spluttering for a response to that before conceding, “Well, OK, that’s a fair point. But what I meant, Clements, is that wouldn’t you rather give your virginity to someone you care about, who cares about you?”

“I’m notgivingit to anyone. It’s a state of being, not a prize. And it’s nothing special to me, Jay. I don’t like being who I am. I want to change it. I want to change my whole life.”

Jay completely understood that sentiment, at least. So he signed Sophia’s contract (yes, there was a contract), and went home, still reeling.

Who would have thought The Curdle Girdle would turn out to be the answer to his problems?

Or that she would feature in the first wet dream he’d had since he was a teenager?

Chapter five


Theyarrangedtomeetevery Thursday, as Sophia’s mother travelled into the city on those days for her charity work.

Sophia had suggested meeting at eleven in the morning, which would give her ample time to shower, change and have breakfast after her run. Jay had said he didn’t get up that early, and so they had eventually settled on two in the afternoon.

On that first Thursday, Sophia found herself unable to eat much lunch. She paced the house, tried and failed to read a book, went in and out of the garden six times, considered going for another run, then sat down on the sofa, clasping and unclasping her hands and trying to remember exactly what Simon looked and sounded like.

This was worth it. He was worth it.

She jumped when the doorbell rang, feeling physically sick, but she took a deep breath and walked composedly to answer it, head held high.

Jay stood on the doorstep, hands in his jeans pockets, head tilted and dark hair flopping over his forehead as he gave her an amused, considering smile. He didn’t look in the least bit nervous. But all they were meant to be doing today was talking and holding hands. He must think she was completely ridiculous.

“Good afternoon,” he said, grinning a little wickedly, seeming entirely aware of how nervous she was.
