Page 69 of No Omega Needed

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"To you?" I scoff.

"To us," Issac confirms. "Dex and Love have some shit to figure out, but that's between them. If you're interested in Love, you better get comfortable with Dexter. He's not going anywhere. Trust me, he's here to stay."

"Thanks," Dexter says to Issac. "I love you, too, man."

"We're both drawn to McKinley," I say, putting it out there. The entire mini-tour, I tried to fight my feelings. Hell, I've been fighting them since I met her.

Dexter gasps, clutching at his non-existent pearls. "You don't say. I never would have guessed."

"Don't be a smart-ass." Issac sighs. "You want to add something in?" He looks at Walker.

"I have feelings for Love." Walker swallows thickly. "I care about her and her well-being. You're sure you're open to sharing with us?"

"Fuck no," Issac says, rolling his eyes.

Dexter chokes a cough, shooting his friend a 'what the fuck' look.

"And you told me not to be a smart-ass?" Dexter asks, scoffing.

"Of course I am," Issac grumbles. "Listen, my dad dipped out on me and my mom when he found his omega. Love is afraid the same thing might happen to her one day. That would literally never fucking happen, but she still worries. It's going to be an uphill battle for her to trust that you're interested in her."

"My mom is a beta, too," Walker says, nodding his understanding. "My dads had to put in a lot of work to convince her they were serious."

"All right, so we all understand each other?" Issac asks. "You're going to look out for Love while we can't be around?"

"Of course," I agree. "We'll always protect her with our lives."

"Good," Dexter says, shoving his hair back from his face.

"I've always told Love that she's the master of her own body. I don't control her. Nor would I ever want to—" Issac cuts off when Dex interrupts him.

"We like Baby feisty. She's completely capable of deciding who she shares a bed with, or a wall for that matter." Dex smirks. "She'll be real quick to put you in your place if she's not interested."

"I've already told Love, but I'll tell you now, too. I'm good with anything that happens between you guys as long as it's consensual and at Love's pace," Issac says. "Just be sure before you make a move. I can recognize that you're solid guys, but I'm going to bond the fuck out of that woman as soon as she'll have me. If you fuck her over, it'll set me and Dex back."

"That'll never happen," Walker assures him. "I've actually never felt this way about anyone before. I'd never make a move on someone if I didn't care deeply about them."

"Fair enough." Issac nods.

"Does this mean you're a virgin?" Dex asks, smirking over at Walker.

"No." Walker frowns. "But not far off."

Dexter's mouth falls open. "Holy shit, dude. You're, like,stupidlyfucking hot. You could make eye contact and have chicks dropping their panties. Um, guys, too, for that matter."

"I never really experienced a strong sexual desire until I met Love," Walker says without an ounce of shame. "I've tried sex before to please a partner, but I don't know how guys do this. I've never popped random boners before inmy life. It's incredibly unsettling. Not even during my teenage years. This shit is weird as hell."

"Jesus Christ." Issac chuckles behind his fist. "This is… yeah. It's great."

Dexter and I make eye contact and lose it, too. Walker frowns at all of us.

"Thanks, guys," Walker grumbles. "Way to be supportive and give helpful advice. See if I help your asses out in the future."

My abs actually ache from how hard I'm laughing. Maybe this pack thing isn't so bad after all. We aren't there yet… but only time will tell. After this little chat, I'm officially done holding back.

Chapter Twenty

Dexter Clark
