Page 70 of No Omega Needed

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Iglance at Baby, trying to work up the nerve to open my mouth and speak. This shit isn't healthy, stewing in my gut.

She grunts, trying to flip over on the couch. She's so pregnant she can't do much without groaning. Her hips ache all the damn time. I kinda wish I could switch places with her.

Seeing her aching and in pain? I hate it.

"Here," I say, offering her my hands. "Come watch TV with me in bed. I'll rub your hips and back."

Baby swallows, glancing away.

"Okay," she agrees.

"Sorry," I say, hands on her shoulders, guiding her to my room. "If I wasn't such a skinny fuck, I'd carry you."

"Ha," she says, grinning over her shoulder at me. "I'm about forty-five pounds heavier than I started. I doubt many people could tote my big ass across this penthouse."

"I could," Walker says, popping his head out the door as we walk by. "Where are you two headed?"

"Going to bed," I say, shooting him a fuck-off look. It doesn't seem to penetrate his thick skull.

"Are we going to watch telenovelas or horror movies?" she asks, blinking up at me from under dark lashes.

I clear my throat and give her a grin.

"Whatever you want," I say, giving her an inviting look.

"You better not watchUnbiddenwithout me," Walker says with a frown.

"Horror movies it is," I say, giving her a gentle shove.

"There's that new clown movie," Walker says, stepping out into the hall.

"Oh yeah, we talked about that," Baby says, nodding.

Walker clears his throat, eyes bouncing between the two of us.

"Can I—" Walker swallows. "Uh, join you guys?"

Seriously? What the fuck? I get almost no one-on-one time with Baby as it is. She's been my best damn friend for years. I fell in love with her long before I slipped inside her tight little body.

If he wants to run game then he should do it onhisown time. Not mine. Then again, he did me the favor of pointing out where we went wrong.

Ah, fuck.

"Dex?" Baby asks, her eyes searching my face.

I blow out the breath I've been holding.

"Sure, why not," I say, trying not to scowl at Walker.

"Cool," Walker says, pulling his door closed behind him. "Want me to grab drinks?"

"Sure," I say, snorting a laugh. I briefly consider locking his ass out.

"We'll be in my room," I say, frowning.

Walker nods, oblivious to my frustration.

Once I get Baby settled on her side, I scoot up close to face her.
