Page 42 of No Chance

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"Come in, Chief, Over,"the radio on the sheriff's dashboard crackled.

Valerie rolled down the passenger window and leaned out.

"Glen, that's your dispatcher," Valerie said.

Sheriff Carter nodded and walked back to the car, while Charlie headed back to his to keep an eye on Ronald Queen in his.

The sheriff smiled kindly at Valerie as he reached the truck.

Valerie liked him a lot, but the smile was a sympathetic one. She felt uncomfortable. They were all treating her like a limping puppy.

He leaned into the car and picked up the receiver.

"Go ahead."

"Uh, sheriff, we've run a check on Ronald Queen like you asked," the dispatcher's voice came back.

"What did you find, Dolores?"

"He was at an outpatient facility in Birkenshaw during two of the murders."

The sheriff sighed under his breath, "Dammit."

Valerie knew what that meant. She had gotten into a tangle with a suspect for nothing. "What's in Birkenshaw?" she asked.

"A drug treatment facility," he said. "Looks like Ronald is an addict and was there, if the doctors are vouching for him."

He signed off from the radio and rubbed his eyes.

"What now, then?" Will asked, his voice as dejected as Valerie felt.

The sheriff sighed, his face betraying the weight of the situation.

"Well, Ronald Queen will have to be taken in for resisting arrest," he said, his voice heavy with resignation. "He'll be questioned and no doubt a case against him will be made."

Valerie felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Here she was, trying to be a hero for the town and all she had done was make things worse. But there was nothing more that could be done now.

Will spoke up, trying to lighten the dour mood, "At least we know now that he wasn't responsible for those murders. A negative is still one name off the list."

Sheriff Carter nodded, but his face remained grim. "Yes, that's something," he said quietly.

Valerie turned to Will with a determined glint in her eyes. "But we still have twnty-four hours before Heinlein shuts us down. We should fuel up on coffee. We better get moving if we're gonna figure out who is behind these killings and put an end to them."

"Remember what we agreed," Will said. "We all need a little sleep, at least."

"He's right," Carter said. "Where are you guys staying?"

"At a motel in Turnberry," Valerie said.

"I'll drop you off and then come get you at 7 AM."

"Make it 5 AM," she said.

But the sheriff said nothing. He and Will just looked at each other, a glance ofshe's pushing too hard.

Hard or not, she had to push. It was the only way she knew. The trick would be knowing when to pull back before she cracked again.


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