Page 51 of No Chance

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Valerie's mind put it together in an instant.

"Did Greta used to bring you food from the diner?" Valerie asked.

"Yes," the man said with sadness in his voice.

"She was your friend?"

"The only one we had," he said. "She found us out here. We're not supposed to be sleeping in this basement, but it's warm, and the winter is so cold. Please ..."

"I won't tell a soul," Valerie offered. Her heart went out to them. "But I'm trying to find Greta's killer. Will you help me in return?"

The man slowly climbed a small ladder and lifted up the grate. He then emerged. In the low light, Valerie could see his tangled beard and long coat that had several holes in it.

"Are there no shelters around here?" Valerie asked.

"My wife was attacked in one some time ago," the man said. "She's terrified of them. This is the best we can do."

Valerie nodded. "How did you know Greta?"

"She found us out here and brought us food," he said.

"And did you speak with her much?"

"Oh yes," he said. "My wife is religious, so with Greta being an ex-nun and all, they hit it off."

Valerie's mind started running rampant.

A nun, she thought.Now we're getting somewhere.

"Did she say anything about where she had studied?" Valerie asked.

"The Mary Magdalene convent somewhere in Kerry County," he said. "She changed her name, though. Not sure what her real name was. She put all that behind her. She still felt in touch with God but didn't want to be part of the Church itself."

"Do you know why?" Valerie asked.

"Not really, " he said. "She didn't tell us any more than that."

"One more thing," Valerie began. "Did Greta ever mention the phrase,Post Tenebrus Lux?"

"Mention it?" he laughed. "It was all she would bang on about. She said it was something to do with rebirth. That when things are at their worst, something good is around the corner."

"And do you believe that?"

"Not normally," he said. "But Greta had a way of making you believe. Such a kind girl."

Valerie thanked the man and headed back down the alleyway and into the diner. When she reached the booth again, all three of her colleagues were sucking down milkshakes.

Sheriff Carter looked embarrassed

"Eh, compliments of the diner ..." he said.

Valerie would have laughed, but there was no time.

"I've finally made a breakthrough," she said. "Greta faked her name. She went to a nunnery called the Mary Magdalene convent."

"I know it," the sheriff said. "It's not that far from here."

"Then let's go!"
