Page 13 of Heart Broken Mate

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“Are you sure she is the one?” I asked.

“Yes, I heard the way they described her. It was definitely the girl that led the group earlier in the day.”

“That’s an unusual and interesting turn of events,” I said as I took a sip from the coffee. It was black as usual with a dash of rum, just as I always enjoyed it. “Why would she kill her Alpha? It makes no sense at all.”

“Something is up with the pack,” Bonne said as he stirred the broth on fire. I could get a note of rosemary and hyacinth from the pot. I wondered what he was making. Bonne was always up to something. Cooking up a new concoction, trying different combinations of herbs just to see what would happen. He got the skill from his father, and even though he doesn’t talk much about him, I knew he missed the man. I had met him once, a couple of years before he died. He was a principled man like Bonne, tight-lipped and meticulous.

Bonne was part of the reason I returned to town. He and that feeling whirling inside me that something was waiting for me here. Also, after what went down with my pack and the amountof pain I was in, Bonne was the only one I knew could help me, and he did. He helped me heal. I owe him a lot.

“What was the girl like?” he asked as he turned down the heat on the stove. He was done and would just let it simmer now.

“She was strange,” I told him, but that was an understatement. She was invasive. She had left a significant imprint on me that I couldn’t shake off. Even now, I could smell her around me, and there was something specific about her. It felt like she could touch my soul when she stood in front of me with the others. Then, that thing she did, throwing herself at me like that, caught me off guard.

“Oh, come on, you can do better than that, Luke. She just killed her Alpha. Let me get a sense of what she is.”

“I don’t really know, Bonne,” I told him, and he gave me that look that said he knew I was lying. “Okay,” I continued. “There was something appealing about her. Her mere presence was so strong it was almost choking. I can still smell her even now. It is almost like she is right here beside me. I have never met anyone with such a possessive presence. It almost kicked me off my feet.”

“You think she’s the kind to snap and kill her Alpha?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see it in her. She looked in control.”

“She threw herself at you.”

“I mean, besides that. That was unusual, and I think it surprised her as much as it did me. I don’t know how to explain it. Did they catch her?”

“No, they didn’t. She’s on the run. I am sure she is still in town, probably hiding, but her chances of getting out of town aren’t good.”


“The new Alpha, Viper, I think he’s called, is hiring hunters to track her down.”

“They won't catch her,” I said dismissively. She looked smart, evasive, and very powerful. I could get that from just her smell alone. Hell, she killed an alpha. No mere werewolf can kill an alpha, and she didn’t just kill any kind of alpha; she killed her own alpha.

“He’s gathering the best,” Bonne said. “Maybe she would give them a run for their money, but they will catch her if they are smart enough and work together.”

I took another sip of my coffee and rolled the liquid in my mouth. An idea popped into my mind. I dismissed it at first and focused on something else entirely.

“What’s that you were making?” I asked Bonne, trying to get my mind off the crazy idea dancing around in my hand. It was dangerous and couldn’t be taken in. The werewolves already want us out of the community for a reason I don’t even know. It would be unwise to test them again.

“Just a potion for Jade’s cough. He’s getting them terribly these days. I don’t know.”

Jade was Bonne’s son. He is a bit sickly and requires maximum care. But all they have to do is wait for him to trigger hiswerewolf gene. When he comes of age and can turn, his sickness will go.

“Is the rosemary supposed to help?”

“Yes, it is tussive. It should make him cough less. I’ll tell you what, Luke. I can’t wait for the year to end and for him to trigger his gene. The poor boy is in too much pain most of the time.”

I listened as Bonne talked about his son’s infirmities and how much work it was taking care of him, but it didn’t work to distract me. The idea kept dancing around in my head. I knew it wasn’t because I wanted to help out the werewolves. We lone wolves kept ourselves from them. It was more because I wanted to see and know her, and I don’t think any hunter out there is more skilled to get her than me. I can smell her; she’s left an imprint on me. It would be much easier for me.

“Are you okay, Luke?” Bonne asked, dragging me out of my thought.

“Where are the hunters meeting?” I asked Bonne.

“No,” he said. “You’re not doing that. Are you stupid? You’ve got history with her already.”

“That’s why I have to be the one to get her. There is something about her, I know. I want to talk to her and know what it is.”

“They won’t let you get close to her.”
