Page 31 of Heart Broken Mate

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“So am I.”

“We shouldn’t go through this dance. This only ends one way, and that is with you following me back to Nillport.”

“We’ll see about that,” I told him and glowed my eyes, telling him the talking time was over. Even though what I really wanted to do was kiss him, but I would have to fight him.

I wanted to make the first dash at him, but he was fast. He was in front of me suddenly and smacked me in the stomach, knocking me to the floor.

“This is pointless,” he told me.

He was faster and stronger than me.

I jumped up and was on my feet again. He might be better than me, but I have the trees and would use them just as I did against the first two. I wrapped myself around the closest tree to me and used it to launch myself at him, but he was ready. He simply parried me away and then caught me mid-air. He pushed me against a tree and was daringly close to me. I could smell him more intensely now, and he was intoxicating.

“Do you give up?” he asked, talking close to me, his mouth just a couple of inches from mine. All I have to do is reach up and kiss them. I kicked him in the shin instead, answering his question.

He buckled a bit, and I grabbed the opportunity. I turned and got myself out of his grip. I jumped on his neck and tackled him to the ground.

I let go of him and smiled. He grinned as he stood up.

“Sneaky,” he said.

“Why are you doing this? You’re a lone wolf. You shouldn’t be concerned with pack business.”

“I am not concerned with pack business,” he said. “I am concerned with you and my lone wolf friends. I have a deal with the new Alpha. You for my people’s freedom and some money alongside. Looks like a good deal, don’t you think?”

“A deal you won’t get to receive.”

“You still think you’re getting out of this?”

I can’t fight him and win. I can see that, but I can run. He is bigger than me, so he might have more trouble navigating through the woods, but I would have that issue.

“I think I am,” I told him and swung onto the next tree, used it as a lever to get onto the next, and I put a considerable distance between us. I started running and didn’t have to look back to see what he was doing behind me. I could sense him. He didn’t run after, and I wanted to stop and see why, but then I heard him climb one of the trees and I realized running was a mistake.

That was how he had kept out of sight from me and the others—the trees.

I barely made it a yard before he landed right in front of me. I attacked him immediately, though. I swiped at him with my claws, hard enough for him to know I intended to harm him. He was fast, so he parried the attack away, but I was ready with another. I got him in the side, but only slightly as he moved out of the way too, and now and both my hands in his hand. He looked me in the eyes and spun me around, throwing me against a tree. I hit it with my side, and pain shot through my body.

“Stop fighting,” he told me.

“You’re going to have to stop me,” I told him and jumped back up, attacking him again. I got a punch him, but he pushed me against another tree again.

“This is stupid. Just stop fighting.”

“If you want to take me,” I said as I stood up. “If you want to take me back to Nillport, you’re going to have to take me back there with my head severed from my body. I will keep coming at you.”

He groaned and looked at me like I was mad. He removed his backpack and got a rope out of it.

“If you don’t want to come, I’ll make you come,” he said.

“You think a rope is supposed to scare me? Do you know how many times I was tied up and beaten as a kid on the street?”

“Then don’t make me tie you up. Just come with me. You killed an Alpha. That’s a crime, and you have to answer to it.”

“My answer remains the same. You’ll have to make me.”

“Alright,” Luke said and came at me. I tried to fight him, but whatever move I made, he countered it and then disabled me with the rope, and I was unable to make any other move.

Soon, I had the rope around me, and I was a kid on the street again, defeated by someone stronger and better than me.
