Page 83 of Heart Broken Mate

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He came for me, his hands a flurry of movement. A gentle growl came out of me as I prepared my attack for him, but I kept moving back, aware of my surroundings, so I knew a Patel soldier just a couple of feet from me. I stepped back until my body hit the soldier and then used him to push myself forward. I went at the man and swiped at him, but he got out of the way, so my claws couldn’t do real damage. It got him in the left eye and took a chunk of his cheek. If he survives this, his left eye will be gone forever. He groaned in pain but didn’t let that stop him. He charged right at me, barely even recovering. I was ready for his attack, though, as I was watching him more intently, trying to figure out his movement.

But this was a war, and I didn’t have time for that. I let him come at me, and when he was close enough, I pulled a Tarloux soldier who had been fighting a Patel and threw him at the soldier coming at me, disorienting him for a while before I stepped around them and got behind him. I had both hands around his neck and simply pushed my claws into his neck. I didn’t let him go, though. I held on to him firmly and pulled strength from his body.

We needed a way out, so this was it. I howled. Louder than I have ever done before. It was loud and reverberating. It went through the battleground, touching every werewolf in there. We can’t help but be touched by a howling that loud.

They all stopped fighting for a moment, and I looked at Hayley. This was our chance, and we seized it. I pulled her towards me, and we pushed through the stunned crowd before they recovered.

Regardless of their allegiance, every single one of them looked at me, wondering what I would do next after the howl. A howl was supposed to be followed by an order or action of some sort, but I had none for them. We made a considerable distance before they recovered, but we had a path checked out before us already, and we just continued running and didn’t stop, pushing people out of the way and swiping our claws at any Tarloux soldier that wanted to come for us—soon enough, they all stopped coming, and we pushed through them until we were finally in front and we stopped.

The battle plan on this was now behind us, and our target was before us. The Twins.

They were in some sort of carriage, watching the battle going on. We were about ten feet from them, but I could feel the cold emanating from them, and it made me shiver. Subconsciously, I moved closer to Hayley as though I wanted to get some warmth from her. The carriage opened, and the two of them stepped out and stood before us. They were old and wrinkly, but their lean structure gave off power, and I felt a deep reverence towards them. They looked ancient like I was standing before a source of great power but not as great as the moon stone, which was why they wanted it. They couldn’t stand the idea of something more powerful than them not belonging to them.

“Can you feel it?” Hayley asked.

“Yes. Their power.”

“It is very vile.”

I took a step closer to them, bridging the gap between us, and Hayley did that too. The other carriage opened, and Viper stepped out of it. He looked different from the last time I saw him, but I couldn’t put my hands to it. We stopped when we got halfway.

“So we meet,” one of The Twins said, and he looked at Hayley and me with some cold interest and disgust. “I can sense the old blood running through you, and it gags me.”

“Your blood gags me, too,” I told him.

“Ha, we are exchanging words like kindergarten kids. You do not have what I want,” the other said.

“No,” Hayley replied.

“Why don’t you make this easy on everyone? Go get it, bring it to me, and I will put an end to this.”

“I have a better suggestion,” Hayley said, hate and anger growing in her voice. “How about you fuck off.”

“I see why James liked you,” the first Twin said. “Look around you; you cannot win this. Why delay the inevitable? Your silly plans will never work. You are kids playing an adult’s game. You cannot survive.”

“We’ll see,” I said and looked at Hayley. “Do you want your stone?” I asked them.

I expected a reply, but they said nothing, so I looked on and then took another step closer. Suddenly, they were all on edge, and Icould see they expected me to attack them. I stopped suddenly, my smile getting broader. I was enjoying this.

“Come get it,” I told them.

We both turned on our heels and started running, leaving the battle behind.

Chapter thirty-nine (Hayley)

I looked behind me, and just as Bonne predicted would happen, The Twins split their army in two and sent the smaller half toward Luke and me while the others faced the men. It was an obviously terrible choice because we now had the upper hand on the mountain. We’ll win and take control of the upper lands. If Bonne and the men he has in the tunnels win, too, we’ll have the rest of the Tarloux army, which mostly now entail the ones they have sent toward Luke and me, caught between us in two positions. We might not even need to go on the battlefield with them again. There will be a big drop in the soldier’s morale, and we’ll cut them down from the inside out.

This might work.

The realization of that hit me with a sudden boost of energy. We could possibly win this, but I needed to play my part well. The easy part of the job had been done, and we’ve had them break the army in two. Now, all that was left was to make sure we reached the moon stone and activated its power to be able to fight this army behind us. But they aren’t the target. Those wrinkly old men with the eyes of a snake and the looks that could kill were who we were after. We needed to kill them. You cut the head off the snake, and the snake dies. They were the head of the Tarloux family.

Even though I had no trees to help pull myself, I didn’t feel any pain in my knees running. I was almost gliding through the air, and many times, I was tempted to look back and see how thearmy was faring, but that was none of my business now. Timothy led the charge, and he was capable.

I continued running, the air sweeping past me and hitting me in the face. It was getting close to morning, and the morning cold had dropped, so the cold air with a bit of humidity was what kept hitting me. The distance between us and the stone was about ten miles, and it would be close to impossible to keep running at this same speed. We’ll need help soon, and we’ll get that from Bonne’s concoction. But in the meantime, I concentrated on putting more distance between us and the force behind us. I could sense The Twins behind us. They were keeping close to us, and I guessed they knew we were leading them to the stone, which was probably why they were willing to risk breaking their army in two. They wanted the stone desperately and were willing to make desperate decisions to get it.

The sound of toenails on the ground soon filled the air behind us, and I looked at Luke beside me. We both understood what that meant. The werewolves have turned, and they will soon catch up with us. If we wanted to keep the pace, we needed to turn too or take the concoction. The best option would be to take the concoction and turn, but this wasn’t the time. We had a plan. A partial deviation from Bonne’s plan, but it was supposed to help us. It was a contingency in case anything went wrong.

Luke shook his head. We would not change and would stick to the plan. That meant we would have to fight, and it was still about five miles to the valley, on the other side of which the stone awaited us. We needed to push ourselves harder. And that was what we did. I put more effort into my heels and felt pain slip in. I was pushing it too hard but didn’t let the pain get in the way. I have the strength to endure whatever pain the push throws at me. The breeze blew harder against my face, bitinghard. I took it as a sign that we were now going faster, which was a good thing.
