Page 51 of Meet Dare

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I wave away his concern. “It was a misunderstanding.”

You spend one afternoon – two hours tops – researching how to build a bomb and – boom! – they’re all over you. I explained the prank I was planning but those special agents do not have a sense of humor. They must surgically remove their laughter genes when they’re recruited.

I don’t explain any of this to Cedar, however. The prank is a good one. No need for him to know about it in advance.

“Come on.” He grasps my hand and leads me away from Petal’s store.

Feather rushes up to us before we can make it very far. “Yeah!” She squeals.

“What are we squealing about?”

“The two of you becoming lovers.”

I wag my finger at her. “Nuh-uh. No matchmaking us. We’re friends is all.”

She waggles her eyebrows. “Friends with benefits.”

“Friends first and foremost,” I claim although the benefits part is pretty spectacular. In fact, I don’t want to know how it feels to give up the benefits. A few weeks without Cedar in my life was enough. Crap. I’m too attached to this man. I should probably get some space from him.

Cedar squeezes my hand as if he can read my mind and knows I want to flee. Notwant toflee.Need toflee.

“Whenever we read a friends with benefits book in book club, the couple end up in love by the end of the story,” Feather points out.

I gesture toward the town. “Spoiler alert. This is not a book. This is real life.”

I glance up at Cedar for support, but his lips are pursed. My brow wrinkles. What does he have to be unhappy about? He knows we’re friends with benefits. He knows I’m not interested in a relationship.

He doesn’t know why – no one does – and I’m not about to tell him. It’s my shame. No one needs to know about it. Ever.

Sage rushes over to us. “Excellent. Project Hermit is coming along nicely.”

“I’m going to repeat myself one more time nice and slow so everyone can understand. I, Cassandra Claire Dempsey, am not interested in your matchmaking schemes. Do. You. Understand?”

At least not those involving me as the victim. Other matchmaking schemes not concerning me? I’m ready to assist at a moment’s notice.

Sage pats my hand. “Of course, dear.”

I’ve had enough of this. I love the gossip gals to bits. They’re crazy and I do enjoy crazy. But not when their crazy is directed at me.

“Come on, let’s go home.”

“You can’t go home!” Feather declares. “You haven’t tried my new ice cream flavor yet.”


A goat butts into my leg and I screech.

“Get your devil goat away from me,” I yell at Gabrielle.

She rolls her eyes. “She’s not the devil.”

Diva growls at Pan the goat who tilts her head and stares at the dog. She must decide Diva isn’t harmful as she steps closer. Diva does not come to the same conclusion as she barks and growls and paws at the ground. Pan retreats and Diva gives chase.

The goat rushes off into the crowd with my dog hot on her heels.

“Great. Your dog is going to eat my goat,” Gabrielle mutters as she rushes after them.

“Have you seen the size of Diva?” I shout as I follow her. “Pan would be enough food for her for a month.”
