Page 70 of Meet Dare

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Beckett blanches. “You don’t have sex, remember?”

“Really? Because I seem to recall the time you—”

He shoves his palm in my face and forces me to back up. “Nope.”

Cedar growls. “Hey! You don’t shove your sister.”

He pushes me behind him before confronting Beckett. “Are we going to have a problem?”

Beckett narrows his eyes on Cedar. “Are you telling me how to treat my sister? I raised her as my own.”

I peek out from behind Cedar. “We know! Everyone you’ve ever met knows!”

“Are you—”

Cedar holds up his hand to stop Beckett. “I think we can agree a party to celebrate Cassie’s new business is not the time or the place to discuss past hurts and insults.”

“I don’t agree,” Feather says.

“Me either,” Cayenne agrees.

Lyric sighs. “The gossip gals are the bane of my existence. You finish this, I’ll handle them.” He herds the gossip gal gang across the room out of hearing range.

“I’m sorry, Cassandra. We’ll discuss this at a later time,” Beckett immediately gives in. He may be a pain in the ass with his overprotective tendencies, but he does know when to admit when he’s wrong.

“Okay,” I agree, although I have no intention of ever discussing anything about our childhood with Beckett or any of my other siblings.

Cedar grasps my hand and leads me away through the back hallway to my office. He shuts the door behind us before pressing me against it and cradling my face in his hands.

“Are you okay?”

“Okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“If you don’t stop staring at my lips like they’re your first coffee in the morning I won’t be responsible for what I do.”

“Who wants to be responsible?”

“I need to make sure you’re okay before I proceed with the sexy portion of the evening.”

Damn. Why does he have to be a good guy? Why can’t he be some rough and tough motorcycle man I would never fallin love with? He’s making it impossible to resist him with his concern and his stupid unicorn trivia.

Fuck it. I’m done. I’m done fighting the pull of Cedar. Will it hurt when I have to let him loose? Hell yeah. But I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting him, from missing him, from – gulp – needing him.

“Take me home.”

Chapter 24

Patience is not for a man who hasn’t been with his woman for over a month ~ Cedar’s excuse for not waiting to find a bed


“Take me home.”

My cock immediately hardens and lengthens at her demand. But he needs to hold on. I’m not jumping back into bed with Cassandra until we have a few things straightened out.

“Are you sure?”

She lifts up on her toes. “Yes,” she hisses against my mouth.
