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“You too. You look amazing as always.”

“You’re here!” Emilia exclaimed.

“There’s my other bitch.” Nikki smiled as they hugged.

“I have one more patient to see, and that’s it for the day. We can leave as soon as I’m finished,” I said.

“Take your time. I’ll chill out in here with a cup of coffee.” She smiled.

After I saw my patient, I grabbed my purse, and as I was leaving my office, I smiled as I stopped and looked around for when I came back, I’d be Dr. Georgia Scott-Kind.”

* * *

“How are you really doing?” I asked Nikki as we sat on the couch with our wine.

“I’m okay, Georgia.” She looked down and traced the rim of her wine glass. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I trust another man again.” She breathed out a laugh.

“I know.” I reached over and took hold of her hand. “I’ve been there, remember?”

“Yeah. I remember. You should have seen her, Georgia. I’m not sure what pisses me off more. The fact that he cheated or that he downgraded. She was not pretty at all. You know what really bothers me?”

“What?” I asked.

“If I had never been at that hotel that evening, I wouldn’t have known what he was doing, and I’d still be with him. He was the first guy—” Tears swelled in her eyes.

“I know, sweetie.” I set my wine glass down and hugged her.

“Never again.” She shook her head as the tears fell.

“Hey, ladies. Is everything okay?” Jackson walked through the door.

“Ron.” I mouthed to him.

“Listen, Nikki.” Jackson walked over, knelt in front of her, and took hold of her hands. “What happened with Ron sucks. Trust me. I know firsthand how much it hurts. Sometimes life wants you to see the things that will hurt so you can get out of certain situations you’re not supposed to be in. But everything happens for a reason, and you were meant to find out that night. You weren’t meant to be with that asshole, even if you thought you were. You’re a beautiful woman, and he didn’t deserve you.”

“Thanks, Jackson.”

“You’re welcome. I’m going down to the beach. Are you two coming?”

“We have to go over to Jenni’s.” I smiled.

As soon as he walked out the sliding door, Nikki looked at me.

“I’m in love with your future husband.”

“Me too.” I smiled as I hugged her. “And one day, you’ll find someone just like him.”

“Yeah. When Hell freezes over.” She laughed. “Cause this girl’s heart is made of stone and nothing, and no one is going to break through it.”

I hooked my arm around her. “I already feel for the poor soul who tries.”

“Shut up.” She laughed.

“Let’s go to Jenni’s and try on your dress,” I said as we stood up from the couch.

“I hate men,” she said.

“I did too once.”
