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“What the fuck, bro?” He laughed. “For what?”

“Lily is having some boy over to the house tomorrow. She said he’s coming over to study. I want to put a little scare into the kid in case he gets any ideas about my daughter.”

“Jesus Christ, Stefan.” I chuckled.

“You’re in luck. I’m off tomorrow. What time is this kid coming over?”

“After school.”

“I got you, bro. I’ll be over.” Simon grinned.

“And what will you do when Lily is sixteen and has a boyfriend?” Nathan asked.

“Lily is never having a boyfriend because I’m the only man she needs in her life,” Stefan said.

“Okay, Stefan.” Nathan laughed.

“What are you going to do when Ella starts showing an interest in boys, Nate?” Stefan cocked his head.

“Ask me that in nine years,” Nathan replied. “Besides, no boy can keep up with her.” He laughed.

“And you, Sammy?” Stefan asked.

“As long as the boy is a clean freak, Sammy will welcome him with open arms.” Simon laughed.

“Shut the fuck up, douchebag.”

“Don’t even deny it.” Simon chuckled as he pointed at him. “Let’s not forget our sister.”

“Shit.” I shook my head. “No boy stands a chance with the five of you around.”

“Damn right,” Simon said as he tipped the beer bottle to his lips.

“As fun as this has been, I have to get to bed,” I spoke as I stood up. “Do me a favor and catch a wave for me. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

* * *

Iwalked into Giuseppe’s ICU room, and as I looked at his vitals, his brother, Matteo, walked into the room.

“Hey, Dr. Kind. How is my brother doing?”

“Everything looks good.” I smiled.

“I can’t thank you enough. If you and your fiancée hadn’t met with him, I—”

“It’s okay. I’m happy we were there too.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t stay. I have to help my wife with the flower delivery for a wedding. I feel awful that I have to leave.”

“Don’t. I know he was worried about it, and it’s what he’d want you to do.”

“When will the tumor results come back?” he asked.

“In a couple of days. But I’m confident it’s benign.”

“How can you tell?”

“I’ve removed a lot of tumors in my career, and I’ve only ever been wrong once.”
