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“It’s okay, babe.” Nathan pressed his lips against her forehead.

Four hours had passed, and Sofia’s contractions were intense. She was dilated to four centimeters and decided to go with an epidural.

“Babe, are you sure you want that?” Nathan asked her.

“Do you want me to cut you!” she screamed at him. “I’ve experienced so much pain in my life as a ballerina, but this—this is the worst ever!”

“Dad, I think you better back off,” Ella said as she held the cold cloth against Sofia’s forehead.

“How’s it going in here?” Charleigh asked with a wide grin when she entered the room.

“How do you think it’s going? Oh my God!” Sofia yelled as another contraction hit.

“Can you go find the anesthesiologist and get him up here now?” I asked Charleigh.

“Sure. I’ll go find him.”

“So, how’s it—” Jackson walked in, and I raised my hand.

“Don’t ask.”

“She’s in a lot of pain, Uncle Jackson,” Ella said.

“I’m sure she is, sweetheart. Labor isn’t fun.”

“And how would you know that?!” Sofia yelled at him. “You men don’t have to go through this!”

“Babe, calm down.” Nathan placed his hands on her belly and began massaging it.

Jackson looked at me, and I laughed.

“I’ve heard and seen it all. I’ve even had a couple of patients who told their husbands they were filing for divorce.”

The anesthesiologist walked in and administered the epidural.

“You should start feeling some relief soon, Sofia.”

“Thank you so much.” She let out a breath.

After a couple of more hours, the monitor started to beep.

“Get an ultrasound machine in here now!” I yelled at Jackson.

“Why is the baby’s heart rate lowering,” Nathan asked.

“That’s what I’m going to find out.”

Jackson ran in with the ultrasound machine.

“Shit. The umbilical cord is constricted. We need to get her into the O.R. and get this baby out now. Care to help bring your nephew into the world, Dr. Kind?”

“Of course.” The corners of Jackson’s mouth curved upward.

“Georgia, don’t let anything happen to him,” Sofia spoke in panic.

“Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby.” I smiled as I gripped her hand. “Come on, people. Let’s go.”

Jackson and I headed to the scrub room and scrubbed in. Within thirty minutes, Nicholas Nathan Kind came into the world, weighing in at exactly seven pounds.
