Page 65 of Bride of Monsters

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She was a godsend in disguise, a saving grace, a phenomenon in a world that wasn’t ready for her. I was right about one thing: I would need her to save my kingdom from the brink of anarchy.

I am Apollyn, son of Udite, grandson of Dukath, the slayer. My kingdom is Shadow. No matter what they say, I am King until I choose to abdicate the crown to my chosen. I will not allow my kingdom to be seized by an anarchist. Not even over my dead body.

Chapter 32


Imust have fallen asleep contemplating about my situation, because I found myself in the library on a lounge chair. The dream I just had of my sister descending into the deep didn't scare me this time, which was odd. Maybe I had gotten so used to it.

After almost a day without sleeping, I had all the rest I needed now.

I closed my eyes and summoned my magic, reaching out with my thoughts to the other side of an Earth portal. I felt a tugging on the fringes of my consciousness, and I knew that Altair, Morpheus, and Dominik had felt my presence. They called out to me, pleading for me to bring them wherever I was. Their voices were distant which meant my reach wasn't close enough.

I focused on their voices and dug deeper. A swirl of dark energy erupted from the portal, like a tornado of shadows. I summoned my power and focused it on the funnel, willing it to draw them towards me. A ripple in the air, and they were through, emerging from the portal with a hiss.

My favorite trio was overjoyed to see me, wrapping their arms tightly around me, but from past experience, I realized we all knew that time wasn't on our side.

"We were worried, Sadie," Morpheus exclaimed, his arms still around you. "After the went weeks without coming to us. What did father do to you?"

I filled them in on the arduous and complex tasks Apollyn gave me, most of which required my magic help him various clues and magical objects that were once lost.

"That sounds like father," Altair said. "Sometimes he does things like this to deter people, directing their attention and efforts to a different task to keep them distracted from something else."

"He was occupying my time and attention. From you. From getting back to Earth where I can find out about my sister. That's exactly what he was doing," I said. "But that didn't stop me though."

"We can't stay here in this time loop forever," Dominik said solemnly. "It's not wise to dabble in the past. We need to move on."

"I'm working on that." I sighed. "I have to make sure my counter spell won't lead me back to the cell."

"We can go with you to the cell. It's time we had a talk with father," Morpheus said.

With my head hung low, I faced my men, bracing myself for their judgement. "I'm so sorry that I made the deal with your father. I know how much you've come to hate him because of what happened."

"There's nothing to apologize for. You said you would get us back together, and you did," Altair said with a gentle smile.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized that I had worried for nothing. They wouldn't hold that grudge over me any longer.

I stood in front of my demons, feeling a weight of worry on my shoulders. I had to tell them what was bothering me, what Apollyn thought about my sister.

"Guys, I need to talk to you about something," I started, my voice shaking slightly. "Apollyn thinks that my sister did something wrong."

“It’s this dream, see,” I said, my voice shaky as I described the terror I had felt in my dream—watching helplessly as my sister plummeted into the depths of darkness. “I just can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.”

Dominik leaned back, gnawing on his bottom lip. "There's a pattern, and it all seems connected. Your sister's looking for that dagger, right? We don't have the reason. Nostro, that lazy ass vampire, might, though. That friend of yours, Millicent, she kept coming back, saying that she might've had something but wasn't sure. We promised her we would tell you to reach out to her if you could the next time we saw you, but then you never came..." He swallowed visibly. "And now Apollyn has reveal that your sister did something he doesn't like.

"Yes." I nodded. "I should've stuck around to find out what it was, but I saw the loophole and had the magic so I got the hell out of there. I can talk to your father. Try to reason with—"

"No!" They interjected in unison.

I sighed. "Okay." I honestly wanted to tell them what I learned of their mothers and why Apollyn did what he did, but this wasn't the time or place to bring up the painful past to them. And they had every right to hate Apollyn for murdering their mothers, no matter how awfully their mothers treated them.

"Sadie, we just want to be with you," Morpheus whispered, sliding his fingers along the inner flesh of my arm. "You left us for so long."

"Yes, we thought our father said something to make you hate us. None of the witches we came across could break the barrier and get us back into Shadow World. None of them," Altair said.

"Because they're not you, Sadie," Dominik exclaimed. "We needed you."

"It's okay," I murmured, bringing them in close where they showered my body with kisses. "You have me now."
