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Our shoulders brush slightly, and an electric current runs up my arm and directly to my heart, igniting the love I once had for her all over again. It’s been years since we’ve seen each other, but in some way, it feels like Sutton never left. She may have a life hours away from here, but there has always been something between the two of us. This is my chance to tell Sutton how I feel before it’s too late.

“It was nice seeing you,” Sutton calls over her shoulder before climbing into the passenger seat of her sister’s car.

“I’ll call a tow truck and have someone at the garage take a look at her car.”

“Thanks Sheriff.” Marissa winks before ducking back into her car.

Standing as still as a statue, I watch as they pull back onto the road and drive off toward their parents’ house without a second glance.

I tried to move on, to be with someone, anyone else, before admitting to myself: There’s no one else on the planet that I’ll ever love more than Sutton Flores.

“You got away from me once, Sutton. I’m not about to let it happen again,” I whisper into the wind as I stride toward my SUV.

She may have another man’s ring on her finger, but he was dumb enough to let her slip through his. Now’s my chance to let her know that I’ve loved her for years, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure Sutton doesn’t leave Magnolia again without being mine.

By any means necessary.



“Ithought we were going home,” I mumble, my eyes cast out the window. “That suspiciously looks like Tallywackers.”

Marissa hasn’t said one word to me since I got into the car, which is both a blessing and a curse. The last thing I want to do is explain to her why I was sitting on the side of the road with nothing but my car keys. More importantly, I don’t know how to explain whatever that was between Colt and me. Just being near him for a few minutes and I’m back to the nerdy, overweight girl, hiding out in the library, wishing her crush would ask her to prom. In case it wasn’t clear, Colt Butler was that for me.

“You and I both know if we went to Mom and Dad’s right now, you’d get the third degree.” Marissa reaches over, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “A few drinks are in order before we open that can of worms.”

“Aren’t you on duty? I’m sure there’s a rule somewhere about not drinking while on the job.”

“Who said anything about me drinking?” She pulls the car to a stop in front of the only bar in town before turning it off and giving me her undivided attention.

“You should be ashamed to be seen with me.” I chuckle humorously. “The first time anyone in town is seeing me in years and I look like this?”

I motion my hands down my body before checking my reflection in the visor mirror. There are streaks of black down my cheeks from crying almost the entire drive. My hair is a mess, and I’m not even 100 percent sure I have a bra on. Definitely not how I expected to see everyone for the first time.

“Whose fault is that?” she scoffs before throwing open the door. “If you came home more often, people would be used to you looking like a hot mess.”

“Bitch,” I grumble under my breath before pulling the collar of my shirt out to confirm the fact I am wearing a bra and climbing out of the car.

Tallywackers has been in Magnolia since before my parents were married, and it still looks the same. Housed in an old brothel, it lives up to its name, hosting burlesque and drag shows whenever possible. It’s a place to see and be seen in Magnolia, making it the last place I want to walk into right now.

“As I live and breathe. Sutton Flores,” someone shouts through the bar, alerting everyone to Marissa’s and my entrance.

“Asshole,” I mumble under my breath before plastering a fake smile on my face as my eyes widen in surprise. “Finn?”

Gone is the shy, skinny boy I sat next to in math class, replaced by a man who has the attention of every woman in here. His once-shaggy dark-brown hair is now cut stylishly, making him look even more handsome. A muscular frame fills out his tightly fitted black shirt, completely different from the boy who could barely do pull-ups in gym class.

“Oh my God, how have you been?” I smile before reaching over the bar and pulling him in for a tight hug. “I didn’t even recognize you.”

“I get that a lot.” He chuckles, returning my hug before taking a step back, and his eyes immediately focus on Marissa. “And I’ve been all right. How’s the city treating you?”

“Not as well as I’d expected.” I sniffle as Marissa and I slide onto two empty bar stools.

“What can I getcha?” he asks, quickly changing the subject.

“Bottle of Jack. One glass.” Marissa answers without hesitation, pinning Finn in place with her stare. “I don’t have the patience for your crap today, Buckley.”

“Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?” Finn responds in a sing-song voice before leaning forward and whispering something into her ear.
