Page 129 of The Vow

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"I don't know. My guy lives down the block and went to his place. He's not there. He isn't at the studio either. But I'll meet you at Colton's," he states.

"Why Colton's?" I question.

"He's been with him a long time and doesn't like him. Let's see if he knows where he might have his meeting at."

"Call him. It'll save time," I command.

Kalim declares, "I tried. He's not answering. He had a late night, and I bet he's sleeping. But don't worry. My guy says he's been there the entire time."

"So have him wake him up," I demand.

"He's positioned outside his penthouse."

"So tell him to go in."

"He doesn't have a key. We're going to have to be a bit creative," Kalim informs.

I groan. "Fine. Send me the address." I hang up.

Kalim sends it, along with a code to park in the garage. It takes fifteen minutes. I pull into a space and get out.

Kalim's standing next to the elevator. He slides a card into the slot and the doors open. We get up to the penthouse, and he nods to his guy. He asks, "No movement?"

His guy shakes his head. "Nothing. I've been pounding on the door and calling."

I slam my fist on the door, ignore the shooting pain surging through my arm, and shout, "Colton!"

"Riggs, relax," Kalim orders, then holds up a keycard.

"Why do you have the key and not your guy?" I ask.

"It's not his key. It's a universal one for these types of locks," he declares and slides it into the slot.

"He's got company," Kalim's guy announces.

"I don't care," I bark as the door opens and I push past, muttering to Kalim, "I need one of those keys."

"Sorry. Chances are slim. I stole it from Interpol," Kalim confesses.

"Colton!" I shout, moving through the large penthouse.

"Bedrooms all the way to the back," Kalim states.

I rush down the hallway, bursting through the French doors. "Colton!" I roar.

A naked man, maybe in his fifties, is on top of Colton, kissing him. He retreats, turns his head, then scowls, "Who the fuck are you?"

"None of your business. Get out," I growl.

Colton gives me a sleepy grin, adding, "You can join us if you want, Riggs."

Anger flies through me. I don't have time for Colton's games. "Noah has Blakely. Where would he take her?"

The color drains from Colton's face. He pushes the man off him, stating, "Take a breather, Daddy."

The man gives me another pissed look, caressing Colton's hair and challenging, "Maybe I should stay, sugarplum."

Colton's voice turns firm. "No. Go grab some food."
