Page 29 of Cupid Games

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For the last year, he had been interviewing with college teams and he hoped that this spring he would be chosen for one. Especially since his team here in Cupid had done well. Maybe not state-championship well, but they were holding their own, and he’d be disappointed if they didn’t get invited to the UIL tournament.

“Yes,” he said. “But first you have to prove that you’re good at teaching high school ball.”

Nodding, she lifted the spoon to her lips and licked the ice cream off. Oh, God, how he wanted to pull her into his arms and run his tongue over her lips and dive into her mouth and taste…

It wasn’t going to happen.

“Your boys are doing very well,” she said.

“And tonight your girls showed they have promise,” he said.

“Yes,” she whispered, staring at him. “We were always such good friends.”

It was true. They had been

“So do you still consider me a beast?”

She laughed. “Yes. Until you break the spell.”

The spell of falling in love? Glancing at her, he knew the only person who could break its hold was her. Could there be a chance of them getting back together?

Maybe they should run the Cupid statue. Maybe he should run right toward her.

“You do realize that if my boys win tomorrow, we’ll both be running the statue?”

Turning toward him, she smiled. “Yes. I do.”


Friday morning when she arrived at the gym, her office was completely covered in plastic wrap. She even had to break the wrap that blocked her from entering.

“Zach strikes again,” she said out loud.

Brian walked by and grinned at her. “Great game last night,” he said.

“Miss Martin, please report to the principal’s office,” a voice announced over the PA system.

Shaking her head, she feared what this mean. Congratulations, you won your first game and now you’re fired?

“Excuse me,” she said. “I’m being summoned.”

The man grinned and she wondered if he had something to do with her being called to Principal Townsend’s office.

As she walked through the students, many of them smiled. “Congratulations, Miss Martin.”

There was a friendliness in the halls that she’d never experienced. It felt good, and she knew that if she were canned, she would miss this place. These kids. Her team.

When she entered the main offices, his secretary glanced up. “Miss Martin, go on in, he’s expecting you. Oh, and great game last night.”

“Thank you,” she said.

When she walked in, he smiled at her. “Shut the door behind you,” he said. With a sigh, she didn’t get the feeling this was good news. “Congratulations on a good game last night. The girls are playing more unified than I’ve ever seen them. You’re doing a wonderful job despite all the controversy surrounding you.”

“Thank you,” she said.

Shaking his head, his forehead wrinkled like he’d tasted something bad. “I wanted to let you know that enough parents have complained that the school board is going to hold a hearing on whether or not you are a good influence on the students.”

Of course, they were. A sinking sensation filled her stomach. When would this ever end?
