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“The fuck is he talking about?” His voice is void of all emotion. Kiara opens her mouth but snaps it closed. Her and Bishop have a rule that they can’t lie to each other and it seems the princess is not breaking that deal. “Answer me, Kiara!”

“Don’t fucking scream at me, Bishop!”

“Both of you stop cussing in front of Amelia!” Everyone turns to the entryway. Allison stands there in a pair of jean shorts and white shirt that clings to her body like a second skin. Mela spins around so quickly she topples off her stool, the five of us reach for her but Kiara is the one to catch her. She places Mela on her feet and then my girl is shooting across the room. Tears cloud Allison’s eyes as she drops to her knees and opens her arms.

“Mommy!” Mela screams as she launches herself at Allison. Ally falls to her ass as she holds our daughter tight against her chest and buries her face in the crook of her neck. No one moves or says a word as we watch the exchange. Amelia hasn’t been the same since Allison was taken, she never smiled as bright or laughed freely.

“I missed you so much, baby girl,” Allison cries as she peppers kisses all over Mela’s face. It hits me, I know what I need to do in order to help Allison heal. I grab Kiara by the hand and haul her out of the room with Bishop hot on my heels. As soon as we are out of ear shot, I release her. Bishop shoves me and gets right in my face.

“You ever fucking touch her like that—”

“Chill, Bish. I just need to talk to her,” I plead. I need him to allow her to help me.

“Then fucking talk in there!” Kiara reaches out and pulls him back by his hand. She pushes him against the wall and steps in front of him resting her hands on his chest trying to calm the beast.

“B, look at me.” He slowly pulls his heated glare from me to peer down at her, his features changing immediately. His eyes soften and his body relaxes just from looking into her eyes. “If I didn’t want to go with him, I would have kicked his ass.” I snort but she ignores me. “He needs my help.” How she knows that is a mystery to me. Bish grunts and nods, she turns to face me but he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her back until she is flush against him.

“What do you want?” I don’t look at my brother as I answer, I focus on Kiara as I know she is the key to getting me what I want.

“I need you to help me get the shack back up and running.” Her eyes widen in surprise. I feel Bishop’s angry glare boring into me but I ignore it. All I need is for Kiara to agree to do this as she is the one that can get Gage to go against my brother. Gage may be our blood but he is loyal to Kiara, not us.

“Like fuck—” She cuts Bishop off.

“Why? Give me one good reason why I should piss off Bishop and potentially get Gage’s ass kicked for doing this?” She has every right to be weary, after all I am the one who burnt the shack to the ground under my brother’s orders.

“Allison,” I breathe. Bishop looks confused but Kiara understands my meaning.

“If Gage gets hurt because of this, I’ll kick your fucking ass, King!” I smile and nod.

“Deal, princess.”




Ijust exist. I get up and spend the day with Mela doing whatever she likes but I don’t leave the estate. King and I don’t speak, we pass by each other or I see him when he comes to shower at night before he leaves and sleeps God knows where. He hasn’t tried to touch me or sleep with me. He hasn’t even fucking looked at me! He hired someone to come and speak with me three times a week. I screamed at the poor woman the first two sessions. On the third session I walked into King’s makeshift office ready to yell at her but stopped when I saw Knight sitting there. Having him there relaxed me. We didn’t speak about what I went through that session, instead we spoke about him and what he went through with Christine and how it has affected him. My sister was a fucked-up bitch doing what she did to him. He was a fucking kid!

I went myself to the next three sessions, Knight being so open made me feel like it was okay for me to do the same. I don’t know if King sent him to be there with me or if he just done it on his own accord. Regardless, I am grateful either way. It’s only been three sessions but I find myself looking forward to my one today and ready to open more to Opal. I need to fix myself so I can be better for Mela, she doesn’t need to see this darkness that has taken hold of me and corrupted me to be bitter and angry all the time. I head into the library and smile politely at Opal. As I take a seat on the couch opposite her, she has her pad and pen out, ready to get this session started.

“How are you today, Allison?” Her question should be simple but it isn’t.

“I know I’m supposed to say I’m doing good but I honestly don’t know.” Her brown eyes soften behind her thick, black-rimmed glasses, her brown hair pinned back in a bun and she wears a cream-colored pant suit.

“And that is fine, you don’t have to know exactly how you are feeling.” I nod, not sure how to respond to her. “Would you like to talk about what happened to you or would you—” I cut in before she can finish.

“Yes. If I don’t do it now, I don’t think I ever will,” I whisper.

“Allison, there is no rush or time limit on this. You take all the time you need. We do this at your pace and when you’re ready.” The fact she hasn’t pushed me or ever made me feel like I had to do as she asked has made me feel comfortable with her. I know keeping everything that happened bottled up inside me isn’t good. I need to vent even if it’s fucking hard.

But I have to know something first. “What I say to you—”

“Stays between us, nothing you tell me will go beyond here unless I think you are a threat to yourself and may self-harm.” My eyes widen in shock.

“I wouldn’t do that.” She smiles and nods.

“I’m just saying, if you were to exhibit signs I would need to let… someone know.”
