Page 16 of The Awakening

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“It’s your night, Amor, where would you like to go?” David asks after we are buckled in.

“Anywhere is fine as long as we’re together.” That was sappy, but he kisses me anyway. “I’m so worry for the way my mother acted. I don’t know what got into her.”

He brushes it off, I’m not sure anything riles him up. “Don’t worry about it. I thought the whole evening went well.”

He’s right, it could have been worse. She could have spoken. “I suppose. David, are you feeling all right?”

My question surprises him. “Yes, Jess, why do you ask?”

“You didn’t eat anything.”

He takes a deep breath. “Look, Jess, we need to talk. Is it all right if we go to my house instead of going out?”

That line is never good, he’s probably going to dump me or tell me we’re moving too fast. First he was all about going out and it being my choice and now we’re heading to his place. Wonder how long it will take to do the walk of just being dumped home?

“Yeah.” Not like I have a choice.

He pulls into the garage and as I reach to open the door, he beats me to it. How quickly my mood shifts. As soon as I stand he draws me into his arms. “Not to worry, Amor. As long as we’re together everything will be fine,” he presses his lips to my temple. Well, I guess he’s not dumping me, but I still don’t feel good about this.

He walks in and goes straight to the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink?”

“No thanks,” I reply as I sit on the couch.

He sits beside me and takes my hands in his. “We need to talk about our future.”

“Our future? We’ve only been dating a few weeks.” Is it me or did this just shift into hyperdrive?

“About college and stuff. You know I came to Arizona to be with you. I need to get my business degree before I return to Bulgaria. I was wondering if you’ve decided what you’re doing.” The honesty in his gaze as he asks me this nearly takes my breath away.

“I’m not sure. Business would be a good start, I suppose. Why do you ask?” Curiosity is killing me, I wish he’d just spit it out—whatever it is.

“Because I’d like for us to attend college together, of course.” He fidgets with his hands, chewing on his bottom lip. Is it possible Mr. Calm, Cool, and Collected is nervous about my response?

“Oh, that would be cool.” Going to school with someone I know would ease some of the apprehension I have. Though I thought my answer would please him, his entire demeanor changes. “What’s wrong?”

Struggling to put his thoughts into words, he sits there for a few moments before responding. “I know we’ve only been dating for a short time, but I’ve loved you since the day we met and I don’t want to be without you.”

He loves me?

That is totally unexpected, especially considering the fact I thought he was dumping me. The only people I’ve ever said those words to are my dad and my grandmother in DC. I don’t know how to react. Do I love him? I know when I thought it was over I wanted to vomit. But was that love? I’ve never been in love so I don’t know if I feel it or am ready to say it.

“Do you want to be with me, Jess?”

“Very much. I just didn’t know what to expect when you said we needed to talk. My first thought was you were breaking up with me.” Too many decisions to be made. College. Love. Future. It’s like an elephant is sitting on my chest right now.

“That’s not an option, Amor. I’m deeply committed to this relationship,” he kisses the back of my hand.

Wow, this is getting serious. “What other colleges are you interested in? I haven’t checked business programs so what do you recommend? And I’ll need to get housing recommendations as well.”

“I’m leaning toward ASU so then I won’t have to move. But I would need to take night courses,” he replies.

“That makes sense. I can probably change my work schedule to days as well. I guess I’ve never really asked, but where do you work?” There are so many moving pieces to all of this. Has my dad even considered that through his relentless pestering?

“Jess, there’s something I need to tell you. It won’t be easy for you to hear, let alone understand. I need you to promise me that you’ll hold all judgment until I’m done and you won’t freak out.” David’s grip on my hands won’t allow me to pull back. Guess he needs me near to keep him grounded through whatever he is about to say.

Why does my heart race and my head scream run? I’m already freaked out and he hasn’t said anything.

“Please? I need you to promise me,” David again asks.

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