Page 17 of The Awakening

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I nod, but that isn’t good enough. “I need you to say the words.”

“I promise.”

He rises, pacing back and forth. After a couple passes, he comes to a stop in front of me. “Remember when you asked if I was feeling okay because I didn’t eat?”

“Yes, why?”

“Have you noticed anything else different about me?” he continues.

The only things coming to mind aren’t that out of the ordinary. “Well, I know because of my work schedule we only see each other at night.”

“It isn’t only because of your work schedule. I can only go out at night,” David replies.

“I’m not sure what you want me to say. Your touch is cold? Maybe you have poor circulation. I never see you eat. Maybe you don’t like the same things as me?” Where is he going with this?

“I don’t drink red wine and yes, this is really happening.”

He beats me to the punch. It is as though he reads my face perfectly, but wait—did he just tell me that really freaking happened, that he is in my head answering for me? “What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything, at least not out loud.”

Okay, it’s okay. Everything is okay, except it’s not and I’m freaking the fuck out. I jump and he’s beside me. How in the hell did he move so fast?

“You were just there and now you’re here. How, how did you get here that fast?” The blood rushes from my head and I wobble as the room spins. “What are you, a vampire?” I say in jest, expecting him to laugh it off, only he doesn’t.


What the actual fuck?

“Jess, I would never hurt you or hold you against your will. We belong together, together for eternity. Soulmates,” says the super creepy yet ridiculously gorgeous guy standing before me.

This is so not good, he thinks vampires are real and he’s one of them. Does he have to sacrifice a virgin as some sort of initiation ritual?

“What?” is all that comes out, all comprehension of the English language is gone. How could I ever love someone who thinks they are a fictional being? How did I miss the red flags? How did I let things go this far?

Before I can stop myself, I blurt, “You think you’re a frigging vampire?”

He steps toward me and I take one back, managing to trap myself between the couch and the ottoman and he stops. “Jess, please don’t be afraid of me. You know I won’t hurt you. It’s important to me that you understand what I’m telling you. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.”

“Secrets? Why didn’t you tell me you were delusional and need medication? You didn’t think that piece of information was important?” I nearly scream and he flinches. For a brief moment, I feel badly for doing so. Then I remember how we arrived at this point.

This is something straight out of a horror movie, or Bram Stoker’s dungeon. Everyone knows vampires don’t exist. There is absolutely nothing funny about this. In fact, the more I think about it the more pissed I get. Why is he playing games with me?

I cover my face with my hands as I fall back on the couch and cry. “Why are you doing this to me? Do you think it’s funny to play games and fuck with my heart? If you’re not mentally stable you shouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with anyone!”

“I’m not mentally unstable, nor am I fucking with you. I would never lie to you. Think about it, Jess, you know it’s true.” When I glance up, we are face to face as he kneels in front of me.

Images from the past few weeks fast forward through my brain. Anomalys that happened I wasn’t able to justify so I brushed them off. The fact that I’ve never seen him eat, he’s never met me for lunch nor do I hear a peep from him during the day. His car windows and house are cryptically dark. Oh God, did I just say crypt? Does he sleep in a coffin? Would he expect me to sleep in one?

Abruptly I stand. “I have to go. I need to go. Home. I need to go home. Now.”

“I’ll take you home,” David offers.

“No, I’ll walk. I need to be away,” at my words, his face falls. “I need some time to think.”

His saddened features nearly brea me. I want to hug him and run at the same time. My judgment is clouded, and I’m suffocating. I don’t dare look back, I can’t trust myself if I did.

Thankfully the walk home is uneventful given the late hour. Not the wisest of decisions to walk alone at night yet I did. I collapse on the bed and burst into tears. My poor dogs don’t know what to do or how to act. I wave to them and they hop up and curl down beside me. Usually they make me feel better, but right now I’m not sure that’s even possible. Worst of all, I broke my promise to David. I did freak out and to make matters worse, I ran away. Mental illness or not, he confided in me and I broke his trust, even though I did what was right for me.
