Page 18 of The Awakening

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My phone vibrates and I know without looking it’s David so it’s no surprise when the messages he sent come across.

David: Jess, are you ok?

David: Where are you?

David: Please, I need to know you’re okay.

I don’t respond. When I thought he was going to dump me it felt like a kick in the gut yet this ended up being so much worse. The least I can do is let him know I’m safe so he doesn’t show up here.

Me: I’m home

I toss my phone down and cry myself to sleep.

Chapter Seven


It’s late afternoon when I wake, depressed and numb. What a miserable feeling. I let someone in and now I regret it. I’m still unable to comprehend his words, a vampire. Do I help him seek the medical attention he clearly needs, or do I walk away for good and close this chapter of my life?

I peek into the living room to see who is home on my way to take the dogs out. Dad is in his usual spot watching TV, but I don’t see Mom which is great because I’m not in the mood to deal with her shit.

“Good morning, Dad,” I greet him, hoping he doesn’t look up. There’s no way he can’t tell I was crying and rehashing this isn’t happening.

“Good morning, honey,” he says without taking his focus off the TV.

I spend the day catching up on laundry and cleaning my room, though I can’t get the images of David’s sad face out of my head. As the day wears on, I grow angrier with myself. Picturing life without him upsets me. I slam the laundry basket down and curse aloud, “Damnit, Jess, you need to hear him out no matter how insane it sounds. You owe him that much.”

My stomach growls so I go downstairs to make a snack and asked my dad if he wants something. I end up making us each a sandwich. I hand him his and take a seat on the couch. Figured mindless TV might help ease my thoughts.

“Thanks for making lunch, Jess. When was the last time the two of us sat around together?” Dad asks, way too cheerful.

“It’s been forever, Dad. Oh ya, I submitted my application to ASU this morning,” I said.

His eyes light up. “That’s great, sweetie, what classes are you taking?”

“Just core for now, but I think I’m gonna go for a business degree.” And there my mind wanders back to David. He is the one going for the business degree.

“Will you live at home then?” Dad asks.

“Most likely. Doesn’t make much sense to move into a dorm when the drive is only an hour.” Glad I made his day because mine sucked serious ass. I clear the dishes and go back to my room. I grab my phone to listen to some music and the screen lights up with another message.

David: Jess, can we please talk?

It wasn’t right the way I stormed out, but by the same token, it wasn’t cool for him to drop a bomb like oh yeah, by the way, I’m a vampire. But it’s really no big deal on me.

Me: Okay

David: Please come over as soon you can

Me: All right

I take my time getting ready, all the while contemplating the best way to handle this. What did he expect my reaction would be? Did he really think I would be fine with all of this? I grab my purse, kiss Dad on the forehead on the way out and tell him not to wait up.

“Be careful, honey,” he says.

When I arrive at David’s, I sit in my car for a few minutes, gathering the strength I need to face this. By the time I get out and walk to the door, he’s already standing there. I wonder if he saw me sitting there talking to myself. Great, now he probably thinks I’m nuts, too. Perfect match! Who am I kidding? He thinks he’s a freaking vampire which makes me the only pseudo sane one in dysfunction junction.

Attitude in check, I walk inside. We act like total strangers, standing in the foyer, not making eye contact. Neither of us know how to react to the other. Is this how it’s really going to end when twenty-four hours ago I couldn’t imagine my life without him? “I’m sorry. I broke my promise and stormed out. It was an immature reaction.”

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