Page 24 of The Awakening

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“Understood. While I’m disappointed you won’t be there, I do understand and wish I didn’t have to go either,” he solemnly replies.

“You are more than welcome to spend Thanksgiving with David and me.” That would be so much fun. David would do all the cooking, I’d sample it, you know, for QC purposes, of course.

Dad laughs, “Although the offer is tempting, the consequences would be horrific for me.”

I know that all too well...

The guilt of leaving Dash and Vi all the time is getting to me. I ask David if I can bring them over once in a while and don’t get the answer I hoped for.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Jess.”

“You don’t like dogs?” My heart plummets, how could I be with a non-animal lover?

“I think dogs are great, but dogs don’t like me. I’m sorry.”

“How do you know? You’ve never met them. They’re so much fun, super happy, and love everyone.” Just talking about them has me excited and I only left them an hour ago.

“Animal’s have a keen sense of danger. They see us as a threat.” Defeated. That’s how I feel. My shoulders fall and I’m on the verge of tears. “Maybe if we start with a quick introduction at my house. That way if they freak out, it won’t alarm your parents and make things awkward,” he offers.

“Okay, riddle me this. Why do my mom and the girls in class act like starstruck idiots around you?” I’ve been meaning to tackle this question since our first class but with how busy we’ve been, I’d forgotten to ask.

“Vampires can use allure on humans, which is easier to do on the feeble minded. Compelling is another thing we’re taught to control when we go through training.” Before I can ask my next question, he jumps in, “No, Jess, I haven’t compelled you. You’re with me of your own free will.”

“How did you control the entire female population in our class, and better yet, why?” Depending on his answer he may or may not be getting lucky tonight.

“Just to mess with you, to see how you’d react?” The little shit grins.

“Hmm,” I tap a finger to the side of my face. “A man who does shit to see if his girlfriend will get jealous. Not sure that one deserves a reward.”

“Awe, Jess. No fair,” he pouts. Lips puckered, he gives me his best puppy eyes. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

“Better not,” I warn, though the words hold no venom. Since we’re on the subject, I continue the Q&A. “Do you age the same as a human?”

“No. Those who are born vampires don’t age past the human equivalent of twenty-one. Some of the older vampires are ones who were once human and were turned later in life,” he replies. Huh, wonder how many I’ve seen and assumed they were human.

“That sucks. One day I’ll be old and wrinkled and you’ll always be annoyingly handsome. That’s not fair. Guys already have the upper hand with the aging process,” I complain, and David laughs.

“Jess, when the time is right, we’ll have another discussion. Until then, there is no need to talk about it before your twenty-first birthday.” He freezes. “Shit.”

I see the instant he regrets saying that. “What the hell does that mean?”

“By then, we will have been together for more than three years and my hope is that you’d know by then if you wished to spend eternity with me.” Ugh, everytime he uses the wordeternityI picture Prince Vlad saying it.

Is it weird that I suddenly desire Gary Oldman?

Down girl, focus. “What does being twenty-one have to do with it?”

He sighs, clearly exasperated. “It’s forbidden for a vampire to turn a human before the age of twenty-one. In the past, it’s happened for various reasons, most of which were selfish and those who took part were dealt with. Like I told you before, we have rules we live by that were put in place for a reason.”

“Let me see if I get this straight. You’d have to turn me into a vampire in order for us to spend our lives together? What if I want kids?” Having children never crossed my mind before now. Better to get the answer and weigh the options.

“Vampires can only bear offspring with other pure-blood vampires. You would have had to have been born as such. Even then, there’s no guarantee. My family comes from an ancient vampiric bloodline which has consistently produced offspring each generation. Since I’m an only child, the bloodline will end with me.”


I’m unsure if I wish to proceed with the remainder of my questions because quite honestly, the answers have sucked. Moreover, this cannot be something his parents will be happy about. Which brings up my next question.

“David, do your parents know about me?” I hate to ask this, but need to know.

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