Page 25 of The Awakening

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He squirms, “Ah, um, no.”

Well, fuck.

“Why do they think you’re in Arizona?”

“I told them ASU had a great business program so I came here to check it out and subsequently enrolled. They were happy when I told them.” David answers so fast I barely catch the words.

“What if they show up one day and I’m here?” Chills during sex are a good thing. Chills while finding out your undead boyfriend’s parents don’t know about you—not good.

“It’s not in my parents’ nature to show up unannounced. They’re very old-fashioned that way,” David says. Why do I suddenly have the urge to bow?

Let’s hope so, buddy, or we’re seriously screwed. The last thing I want to do is piss off any guy’s mom, especially one that can rip my fucking head off. A woman’s wrath is bad enough without adding them being a vampire to it.

I sleep over at David’s Thanksgiving eve. With no work or school, it’s senseless to be home and my dad promises not to leave the dogs locked in my room. They still like to tear up my mother’s shoes and even managed to partake in a ‘Coach Bag destruction event’ which cost me nearly seven hundred dollars. What started out as funny quickly ended as an expensive lesson.


David and I decide against a traditional turkey dinner because I’ll be the only one eating it. Plus, I’m not a huge fan of turkey. Even though David offers to do the cooking, I’m not feeling it. Instead, I opt for popcorn and a soda. We’ve heard so much aboutSchitt’s Creekwe decide to binge it. We curl up on the couch under a warm blanket and dive in. Honestly, I can’t imagine a more perfect Thanksgiving.

Chapter Ten


Black Friday, the dreaded day of death for all who work retail. I wake, my dark prince still soundly asleep beside me. Quietly I tiptoe downstairs, pour a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee.

Not long after, David darts through the kitchen and straight to the refrigerator. Ripping the top off two bags of blood, he drains them in a matter of seconds. Oddly enough, I’m enthralled by this gruesome show of hungry power.

Hurriedly, I put myself together to run home and take care of the dogs and laundry. Plus, I’d like to see my dad, too. Probably would be nice if I stuck around and had dinner with my folks. Nothing could ruin my mood today.

Or so I foolishly thought…

Mom doesn’t waste any time. As soon as I walk in she lays right into me. “Where have you been?” Hands on her hips, waving a freshly manicured nail in my face. “Out parading around like a whore. You’re a disgrace and this behavior is unacceptable.”

Well, there goes my mood. I glance toward Dad for backup, but he keeps his face pointed at the TV. He knew where I was, I checked in with him repeatedly. So why isn’t he coming to my rescue?

In an attempt to avoid escalating this situation to the point there’d be no turning back, I decide to walk away. As I turn to move, Mom grips my arm and yells, “Don’t you walk away from me! I’m not finished with you.”

That unleashes eighteen years of pent up anger and hostility. “First and foremost, Mother, and I use that term loosely, don’t ever touch me again and do not pretend you care. You’ve never given me the time of day. You know nothing about me and I’m not a whore. You both knew exactly where I was and who I was with because I texted Dad and told him.”

She turns to my dad who purposely keeps his focus on the TV. Well, now I know where I stand and it’s obvious where my dad’s loyalty is.

Not on me.

“Don’t you dare talk to me that way, I’m your mother,” she spits.

“Mother? You call yourself a mother? You did nothing more than give birth then you handed me over to Dad. I don’t remember you ever telling me you loved me or held me when I needed you to. Don’t you dare call yourself a mother. You haven’t earned that right.” I swear, I hear David’s familiar snarl come through in my voice. Guess he’s rubbing off on me.

She raises her hand and I catch it mid-slap which furthers her rage. “I want you and your dogs out of this house now.”

Still not a peep from dad.

I will not cry in front of her.

I will not cry in front of her.

She will not see me break.

I run upstairs and slam the door, then burst into tears. At the same time, my cell vibrates.
