Page 35 of The Awakening

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“Good morning, love birds. Humans don’t build houses like they used to, do they? Were you aware that your walls are paper thin?” Tristan says, smirking as he enters the kitchen. I stared into my cup of coffee like it’s the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen.

Luckily, Tristan changes the subject. “Do you want to go hunting tonight?”

“Sorry, man, we have school,” David replies.

Tristan shrugs. “Maybe next time.”

David mumbles, “Maybe.”

He doesn’t look my way when he says it. I’ve never told David he can’t hunt, that is something he chose not to do. I’d like to believe it wouldn’t bother me, but I’m afraid it would. There are some things I’d rather not know. Less is best, then I’m not an accessory for any crimes.

Recalling David’s rendition of what hunting consisted of mortifies me, but maybe hunting those who are soulless and pose a threat to society really isn’t such a bad thing. In theory at least. I’m not happy with the idea that my boyfriend is a murderer, but by the same token removing a predator from the streets is good. But what if his “soulless intuition” so to speak is wrong? Would he feel remorse?

“How long are you in town for?” David asks Tristan.

“I have no plans. Figured I would hang out for a while and see what delightful delicacies Arizona has to offer.”

Gorgeous as Tristan may be, something about him isn’t right. He hasn’t been here long enough for me to figure out why I feel this way, but I’m sure I’ll find out what it is soon enough.

“Jess, you’re a quiet one,” Tristan said.

“Nah, not really. I don’t want to interrupt you guys catching up.” I excuse myself to head upstairs and get ready for school.

David comes up shortly after. “I gave Tristan a key so he can let himself in when he gets back from hunting.” Why do I fear for the women of Arizona? The longer I’m around him the more uncomfortable I become. Not wanting to hurt David means I have to keep those feelings locked down.

I totally zone out during the drive to school, unable to decipher what my gut is telling me about Tristan. Though not speaking clues David in that something is wrong.

“Are you mad that Tristan is staying with us?”

“No, but I’m less than thrilled that you gave him a key. Which I know is stupid, he could just break down the door if he wanted to.” As soon as I say it, I wish I could take it back.

“If you are bothered by this I’ll ask him to leave,” he says, though his jaw is set and he clearly isn’t happy about that.

I shake my head. “No, I think it’s great you have a friend in town and I really don’t want to get a bad rap in your world for shooing anyone away.” I pause and try to put my thoughts into words. “Do you, um, plan to go hunting while he’s here?”

He keeps his eyes on the road. “Not if it’s going to bother you.”

This is part of who he is and it isn’t fair for me pass judgment, though I still can’t shake the murdering part of hunting. “It’s not fair for me to ask that of you, but I’d appreciate it if you made certain your dinner—” I finger quote, “—was beyond redemption before, well, you know.”

He finds humor in that statement. “I’ll do my best to find such a monster for you.”

My thoughts are on anything but class tonight. How is it that Tristan knew not only that David was in Arizona, but where he lived? David told me it’s been a couple years since they saw each other so this isn’t adding up. Did they text? Was there some sort of undead bulletin that went out? The more I linger on Tristan, the longer the list of questions surrounding him gets.

“Jess, you weren’t paying attention in class. Are you feeling all right?” David asks during the ride home.

“I’m all right, just not feeling a hundred percent.” Which isn’t a lie. I need to pull my head out of my ass and quit dwelling on shit I not only can’t, but don’t want to control. Tristan just got here and I’m judging him without giving him a fair trial. Maybe he isn’t so bad? David trusts him and says he’s his best friend so there has to be good in him somewhere. Right?

“When you last saw Tristan, do you remember where you were?” I ask.

“It was at our graduation in Varna. Why?”

“No reason, just wondered.” When he says nothing else, I let it drop.

Tristan isn’t home when we get there. We get changed and grab a snack. As I take my plate, David sneaks up behind me and slides his arms around my waist. “I love you, Jess,”

I lay my head back against his chest. “I love you, too.”

“Want to watch a movie?” he asks.
