Page 41 of The Awakening

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With the pads of his thumbs, David wipes away my tears. “Amor, it’s time for me to go, but I swear I’ll return to as soon as I can. You’re my love, my life. My reason for living.” Deeply, he kisses me. Heartfelt and filled with promises I will never forget, as it may be our last.

“I love you, David,” I choke out through sobs.

“I’ll be back. Please think about what I’ve said. I love you, Jess.”

As I watch the love of my life walk away, hands clutched to my chest, I fall to my knees an bawl hysterically. Travelers walk past, some gawk while others ignore the felled woman. My heart breaks though no one cares.

At some point, I manage to pick myself up and return to the car. Once safely tucked inside, I lose it—full blown screams, cries, and curses. Cursing another mother who only loved herself and the lost child seeking a love they’d never receive. The nightmare that he may never return is now at the forefront of my thoughts. All I can do was silently pray to whatever diety there may be to return my love to me so we may embark upon our journey to forever.

“Do you want something to eat?” Tristan asks the moment I step inside.

Though his question may be sincere, I have no urge to eat nor deal with him. “No, I’m going to bed.” Somberly, he watches as I turn my back and walk away. Now he knows how it feels to be rejected. I’m sure that’s a new emotion for him. Still, I believe this to be his fault. Had he not shown up, none of this would have happened and I’d be tucked in David’s arms right now. But the reality of it is that Lourdes set her plan in motion the moment she met me and she’ll never rest until I’m six feet under.

I drop onto our bed and cry myself to sleep, not waking until the next afternoon. Haggard and spent, I snatch my phone from the nightstand in the hopes a message from David is there.

David: Landed in London, boarding next flight.I love you.

David: Landed in Shuman, picking up rental car. Wish me luck. I love you.

Both texts stir conflicting emotions within. I’m glad he arrived safely but now the mission begins.

I go to let the dogs out and run face first into Tristan’s chest as I turn into the kitchen.

He smiles. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” I mumble through a clenched jaw.

I make some toast, hoping it will help with the nausea, and take a seat at the table to force myself to eat. Tristan sits across from me, sucking down a human juice bag.

“Jess, I gave David my word to protect you and that’s a promise I intend to keep. I know you don’t want me here and I understand why, but I’m not going anywhere except to hunt. I’ll need to maintain my strength if the battle I fully expect to rage ensues. Though I must insist you not leave the house while I’m out.”

The look I give clearly saysfuck off, and I continue to pick at my toast and ignore his feeble attempt at a truce. I’m so disgusted with him that I can’t stand being in the same house, let alone on the same planet with him.

Anger, hatred, and rage have consumed me and made it difficult to move past what’s transpired these last few weeks. Forgiveness and trust will have to be earned and it won’t come easily for Tristan, not by any means.

Fear of this particular paranormal entity is non-existent. My heart has been ripped from my chest and the desire to live is slowly dwindling away. The only thing keeping it alive is the hope David will return to me.

David’s given me a lot to think about. Knowing I want to spend the rest of my life with him is an easy choice, though I’m struggling with the act of ending my humanity for it. There’s no comparison between that and the fact David’s risking his life for mine, which makes my struggle come off as childish and petty. Am I shallow? Most girls wouldn’t balk at the idea of spending their life with a gorgeous vampire or give up a chance for immortality. So how is this an issue for me?

I rinse off my dishes and go into the living room. Reading would be a good way to get my mind off this. I lie down on the couch, Dash and Vi curled up at my feet and start the next chapter. The empty feeling, alone and terrified without David, has made it difficult to concentrate. His presence soothes me more than anything and now he isn’t here. I detest the fact that it’s come to this.

I run up to our room to grab my phone, the dogs right behind me thinking it’s a game of chase. Oh how I wish their silly antics made me feel better. I overhear Tristan’s part of a phone conversation as I walk by his room. Eavesdropping seems to have become a hobby of mine, but in this case it’s the best way to find out what he is up to. I stand outside his door, perfecting my ninja skills by remaining as still as humanly possible though he likely feels my presence.

“Things are going as planned. David stormed out and didn’t say where he was going,” Tristan tells the caller on the other end, likely Lourdes. Well at least he’s keeping to plan. “She’s just another foolish female who fell for my charms. The allure I used was powerful, although I didn’t need to cast it so strongly. It was like taking candy from a baby.” He pauses. “Yes, I’ll stay around and see if he returns. I’ll keep you posted.”

I figure that is the end of their conversation. As I turn to walk away, Tristan emerges. “I just updated Lourdes on the situation.”

“What exactly did you tell her?” Tristan repeats word for what what I overheard so at the very least, he isn’t lying. This time.

I say nothing and go into my room, leaving him in the hallway. Right as the door shuts, my phone rings. I sprint across the room and nearly fall as I trip over the dog beds.

“Hello?” I gasp for breath.

“Hello,Amor, why do you sound out of breath? Is everything okay?” David asks.

“Sorry, I left my phone upstairs and ran to get it. I’m fine but I miss you so much, I hate all of this.” I sound like such a whiney, spoiled brat. How selfish have I been?

“Oh, Jess, I miss you, too. Soon this will be over then we can live our lives the way we want to, not the way anyone else sees fit.” He tries his best to calm me, but my emotions are all over the place. I do my best to swallow back the tears, and fill him in on the conversation between Tristan and Lourdes.
