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“Well, that’s always been the case.”

That seemed to stop her in her tracks, and sensing an advantage, I pressed on.

“You knew about the others, yet you stayed with me. You knew, yet you went back to work. This will be no different.”

“I’m not going to let you do this.”

She dashed past me, heading for the door, but I spun, catching her arm and yanking her back. Stumbling into me, she mewled as I cushioned her landing and forced her arms behind her back.

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to convince you this way, but you’ve left me no choice, little girl.”

My sigh was more for theatrics, but it worked as I dragged her toward the bench and forced her to sit on the leather. A fresh sob caught in her throat as I secured first one wrist into the waiting rope loop, before persuading the other one to comply.

“No!” she waited, pulling against the rope, but after all the time she’d spent in the room, she should have known better. The gesture was counterintuitive since all tugging achieved was tightening the binds at her wrists. The irony was that if she’d only relax, her tiny wrists might have been able to slip free.

“You already know it’s a yes,” I replied, wrestling with her right leg as I secured her ankle into the cuff. I captured her remaining free limb with ease, grappling it into submission. The binds ensured her thighs couldn’t touch, and as I angled the back of the bench down, her pussy was revealed in all its glory.

“You’re going to stay whether you like it or not.” Walking to the cabinet I collected a vibrator and a roll of bondage tape. “Just like you’re going to have the pleasure.” Placing the tip of the device against her sex, I secured it with the tape, making sure there was no way she could break free of its torment.

“Don’t do this, Master,” she begged as I turned back to my box of tricks.

Selecting one of her largest ball gags, I returned, dangling it in the air for her to see.

“You know I love to hear you beg, little girl.” Winking at her, I reached down and flicked the vibrator on. Tiffany’s response was immediate, her body jerking and her nipples tightening as the pulsing sensation goaded her clit. “Christ, you look good like this.”


I didn’t know if she was pleading with me to let her come or to make it stop, but it hardly mattered.

“Please, Master.”

Leaning closer, I held the plastic ball between my thumb and forefinger before gently squeezing her nostrils closed. Panic flashed in her eyes, her blue gaze widening as she struggled against her binds. My cock thickened as I watched her thrashing, the show quite a distraction from the real business of the night.

“Open,” I cautioned. “Open up and take your gag. Master has things he needs to do.”

“Oooo,” she refused, shaking her head left and right to reinforce the point, but we both knew it was only a matter of time. Tiffany couldn’t survive without air for long, and I was well known to be a patient man.

As soon as her lips parted, I shoved the ball between them, forcing her mouth around its girth as I tightened the straps and secured the gag in place. Glancing around, I walked to the thermostat and edged up the heat. The room was kept a regular temperature, but my little girl was naked, and I wanted to make sure she didn’t catch a chill. Turning back, I took in the awe-inspiring sight of her struggle.

“You’re as sexy as fuck,” I muttered, rueful to have to leave her.

The only consolation was the multiple cameras I had around the room, and the knowledge that I’d be able to enjoy the erotic display at another time.

“Now, stay there and come for me.” Striding to where she was bound, I grazed my palm over her chest before lengthening both of her eager nipples. Groaning, she writhed harder, pushing her clit into the plastic tormentor. “When I’m done, I’ll come back and claim what’s mine.”

Chapter Twenty


The first thing I noticed was the banging in my head. It felt as if I’d drunk too many whiskeys, even though I had no recollection of drinking any. I’d been on duty, hadn’t I? Brows knitted, I tried to remember. No, not duty, but something similar, a personal quest to identify the bad guy. So, what the hell had happened?


I wanted to lift my hand to my head and ease away the pain, but for some reason, my limb wouldn’t move. Wiggling my fingers, I realized with horror that I couldn’t move either arm. What the fuck had happened?

Forcing my eyes open, I took in the sight of an unknown room. It looked like a den, filled with sofas and soft furnishings, but it wasn’t mine and didn’t look like it belonged to anyone I knew. Trying to think, I strained my memory for clues. A vague recollection of my meeting with D.C.I. Baron stirred, reminding me that I hadn’t been at work this week. Why was I in this strange place?

“What happened?” I whispered, conscious of how dry my throat was.
