Page 116 of The Rook

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"He is focused on Igno and has no idea Nissa has talked to Interpol and she’s the one he should really be worrying about.”

"Yeah, Gabe had her handler checked out by Interpol. Amelia Jansen. She's so good she's been put in charge of their investigation of Igno. If she gets a whiff that we're involved, this whole thing will come crashing down."

"Are we stepping on toes?"

Saint shrugged. "I can't tell. Gabe is pretty cagey, but the Rogues aren't known for playing nice with our other government teammates."

Lock popped an olive in his mouth. "More and more other departments don't want to play along with us. We're their best kept secret. Everyone likes to quietly fund us on the side, but we only get called in when someone doesn’t want to get their hands dirty. So likely, Interpol is going to be the one wanting to keep us very far away from this. If we want to be the one to bring in Igno, we need to keep Nissa out of any plans. She can't know what you're up to."

I frowned at him. "Sure. All I care about is protecting her. As long as she's safe, mate, I'm all good. If I had it my way, I would keep her far away from her father too."

"Easier said than done."

"There will be a lot of explaining to do, but I'm not worried about it. My concern is getting all of us out of there in one piece. Nissa too."

"We have you, mate, there’s no doubt you’ll get the job done."

Turning into the living room, the ladies were setting up to play Catchphrase, and Nissa seemed to be fitting in very well with Saff and Kaya. She and Kaya looked like they could have been sisters. Their skin a similar hue, and while Kaya wore her hair blown out, Nissa had her curly hair in its natural afro. Nissa reached for her wine, moaning the moment she took her first sip. "Just the way I like it. Tart with a hint of kick."

"I aim to please."

I handed Saff her drink, and she winked her thanks. Kaya looked up from her glass and then scowled at her husband. "Where is the other half of my drink?"

Saint shrugged. "Talk to Roo— uh, Westin. He made it."

It amused me that he’d stopped himself from using my call sign.

Funny, I hadn't been Rook in weeks now. I didn't think I'd feel good taking back my old name, but it didn't make my skin crawl like I thought it would.

If I did keep my name, could I go back to my family's legacy? Would I still want to be part of the Rogues team when Montgomery was behind bars along with Igno?

And what about Nissa?

The twist in my gut told me there were too many questions to be answered tonight. Instead of focusing on all those swirling thoughts I needed to concentrate. This gathering with friends was all that mattered right now. I needed to have fun and enjoy what time I had with Nissa.

What was really fun was watching her with my mates. I watched Saint as he tried to explain the Catchphrase to Kaya. Her guesses weren’t bad given that Saint’s descriptions were akin to a giraffe trying to play charades.

When the buzzer went off, he groaned and then gave her the answer. She frowned at him. ”How was anything you just described even close to wicked witch?”

“I said sinful and supernatural.”

“I said ‘witch.’”

“But you didn’t say ‘wicked.’”

Saff leaned in and whispered something to Nissa, who clinked her glass to Saff’s. Saint pointed at the two and yelled good naturedly, “Don’t you two get too comfortable. It’s your turn next.”

Nissa laughed as she took another sip of her drink. I warmed as I watched her with my mates.

As they all jeered and cheered over each other, I laughed. Yes, Nissa would fit right in. If she wanted any part of this, that is. I'd told her I wouldn't lie to her anymore, and I wasn’t. Well, that’s if you didn’t count lies of omission. I wanted to be able to tell her what was going down tomorrow, but I couldn’t.

First, by telling her I’d only put her in danger. And second, I couldn't risk her warning her father, even though I knew how she felt about him. Things always got complicated with family.

As Lock stood up, bunched up his hands, and attempted to give Saff enough clues for her guess, my phone buzzed in my pocket. The message on the screen made my heart leap.


"Who's that?"

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