Page 81 of The Rook

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It's a nice gesture, but are you doing this for the right reasons?

Who the hell knew. All I knew was that I'd heard her crying last night, and I'd felt like shit. I hadn't meant to be a complete arsehole. I had been furious with the whole situation we found ourselves stuck in again because of Julian’s manipulation.

The constant need for her ate at my soul. Like an ache that begged to be relieved. It didn't matter how I tried to dance around it, how I tried to adjust it, how I tried to move away from it. The point was, it was there, and I was going to have to live with it.

Pushing her away was just making it more painful for both of us.

I tucked the little globe inside the gift bag and headed out into the living room. She was putting her groceries in the fridge when she looked up. "You’re back on duty then?" I could tell from the expression on her face that she’d been stewing about something all day, even though we’d had a lovely evening together the night before.

I nodded and held up the bag before gently placing it on the counter. "I come in peace."

"Peace. Sure."

I narrowed my gaze. “I’m trying here.”

She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell him about me snooping in his room? Why are you really here?”

At least that part I could be truthful about. “He brought me back to look out for you. I’m meant to protect you. Sometimes that will mean from him. If he’d found you in there, I’m certain you wouldn’t have liked the outcome.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

I licked my lips. “Too much. Just know that I’m back for you. I want you to know I’m on your side.”

Like it or not, Rogues needed her, and my mission was to make sure she stayed put. Didn’t matter if it was Julian’s directive or one from Rogues, my mission was to keep her safe. I wasn’t lying about that. If either of them got an inkling of how I felt about her, who would protect her then?

I held up the bag. "I have something for you."

She frowned at the silver gift bag sitting on top of her marble countertop. "What is it?"

"Why don’t you open it and find out."

Her hazel eyes narrowed at me. Her lush, thick lashes framed them like her eyes themselves were a present. I knew for a fact they weren't false. I'd seen her rubbing her eyes when she was tired. Anyone who had paid several hundred pounds to have their lashes done would not do that. No, those were natural. Besides, Nissa Montgomery had the same eyes the very first time I'd seen her by the brook.

Her teeth grazed her bottom lip. "I don't know what to say."

"I understand what you’re going through. It’s a blow when you realize the people who are supposed to love you are utter twats. I promise I'll ease up."

As I walked toward her, she squared her shoulders and tilted her chin up, but she didn't budge. And if that didn't make her something I coveted even more, I didn't know what would. I watched her swallow hard. I was unnerving her. Well, good. At least I was under her skin too.

You still can't have her.

I knew that, but it was nice to know I wasn't the only one who was hot and bothered.

She placed her tangerine juice on the counter and eased the gift bag closer, moving the tissue paper around to tentatively look inside. When she pulled out the small snow globe of the city of Cape Town, she gasped. "How did you—"

I smirked. "I remembered that one from when we were kids, the one that broke. I saw this in a shop and couldn't help myself.”

She nodded slowly. "Oh my God," she whispered breathlessly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find the exact one, but this one has the city and a map as some background there."

She inhaled deeply. "Thank you.” Her lip quivered and she bit at it. “It’s perfect.”

“I hope it’s okay.”

She nodded. "Cape Town was the last place my sister and I went with our parents before they died. You know, my memory of them is… fading a little. But I remember that day like it was yesterday. My sister was ten. I was eight. We had the time of our lives. My father was working, and Mum took us sightseeing. But then he joined us and that was the perfect vacation."

"That sounds nice." I nodded along because I'd had some memories like that too before my parents were gone too soon.
