Page 9 of Red Light

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I was a real fucking dick.

But despite knowing that—despite that beautiful face closing in on itself in sadness—I had questions for her and my anger and pain were still winning out. I needed to find out why the hell she showed up here after disappearing like that. After almost two months of missing her. Did she have any idea what she’d done to me? What she still did to me?

I pulled up to the little cottage that held so many memories. Parking my truck next to her little rental car, I hopped out and checked out the area. It was dark, but the cottage was well-lit with landscaping spotlights. The porchlight was off—she obviously wasn’t expecting company—but the windows were all lit up and the curtains were open.

A flash of rage hit me in my gut at the idea of someone seeing her through the windows. She should know to close the curtains at night. That was just one more thing that riled me up on my way onto the porch.

I pounded my fist on the door. And waited. The house was quiet. I looked into the front window, just like one of those imaginary creeps would have done, but saw the living room empty.

“Mia!” I called, banging my fist on the wooden door again.


I knew she was here. Her car was here, the lights were on, and Alex had told me she’d dropped her off a little while ago, not before lambasting me for being an idiot. If Mia thought she could ignore me and I’d just go away, she thought wrong. We were going to settle this.

I hopped off the porch and went around to the side of it where I knew the spare key was hidden under an unassuming stone. Letting myself in, I called her name again, but got no response. I walked back to the kitchen to find it empty.

I thought the house was quiet at first, but after a moment, I noticed the hum of music. A slow rhythm coming from upstairs. I almost moved to the staircase to follow it, but then thought better of it. If I was going to trespass in her rental, I could at least wait in the living room for her.

I sat down on the couch, but then remembered all the things we did on it. The way Mia rode me, the way she moved her body to chase her pleasure, and how it was her first time experiencing the power of being in control. It brought on a heady feeling and I felt my cock stiffen. I guess arousal was able to beat out anger.

I heard something—a scream? a sob?—whatever it was, the sound sent ice straight to my gut. I jumped up from the couch, taking the stairs two at a time. The bathroom door was closed and light shone from the gap underneath it. I didn’t stop to think, didn’t stop to knock, or get myself in check.

I grabbed the doorknob, easily twisted it, and barrelled through. Only to find Mia perfectly fine, and perfectly naked, in the bath. Holy Christ.

All I could do was stare. Once I knew she was safe and not in any danger, I just stopped in my tracks and stared. I didn’t know if only a second had passed or if it was more like an hour. Time became irrelevant. All I knew was Mia and how perfect she looked. Her short body and generous curves were mostly hidden under water, colored pink from some scented bath product, but translucent enough to give me a view that almost brought me to my knees. My already stiff cock strained against my jeans as the blood rushed out of my head.

I must have looked like an idiot, or worse, a pervert. But I was left speechless by the sight of her in the bath. When my eyes finally—finally—drifted up to her face, I saw surprise on it. And not a little bit of anger, herself.

“What are you doing?” she screeched and pulled her knees up to cover her body. It was tragic, but enough of a wakeup call to get me to function.

“I came to talk to you.” Okay, that didn’t explain why I interrupted her bathtime.Think,you fucking idiot.“I heard a scream.”

Her brow wrinkled in confusion. “A scream?”

“Or a cry or something.”

Understanding dawned on her face and her cheeks flushed as deep pink as the water. “That was nothing. A song came on that reminded me of—” she stopped mid-sentence and looked away. “Nevermind. It was just me moaning about the state of my life.”

“Oh.” It was all I could say and once again, all I could think was that I was the biggest idiot in the world.

“You broke into the cottage.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. And from sweet little Mia, the accusation was harsh. So I mustered up what little charm I possessed.

“I know where the key is, remember?”

“Do you do that to all of your sister’s rental guests?”

“Just the gorgeous ones who bring me to my knees.”

Her eyes went as wide as saucers at that, and the truth was, mine almost did too. Because I had no idea where that came from. I was still angry at her. Still hurt. But here I was, flirting? After interrupting her in the fucking bath?

This was going all wrong.

“This was how we first met,” she said, her eyes softening. “In reverse.”

It was. That moment was ingrained into my mind forever. We’d both thought the other was trespassing, but it was Mia who’d interrupted my shower. And Mia, who’d gotten a full view of my naked body. I didn’t miss the way she stared at me. The way her jaw went slack and the look of hunger in her eyes.

She seemed to be considering something. And my feet were rudely, though I wasn’t complaining, glued to the floor. I should leave. I needed to move.
