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“You won’t leave?” His tone was pleading, his normally strong voice choked with tears she’d never, ever seen him shed before.

“I won’t go further than the hall, I promise.”

“I love you, Eleanor. Please believe me. I know I’ve done a lousy job of showing it, but I love you more than my own life.”

She didn’t know if she believed him. She wanted to. So much. And she felt badly, but twenty-four years of neglect didn’t get wiped out with even heart-rending tears and confessions of affection. For all she knew, his illness was making him maudlin and he’d go back to his distant self once he was feeling better. She didn’t say any of that, though.

She gave him a watery smile. “I love you, too. I always have.”

He let her go and she moved back so the doctor could get to him. Then she stumbled toward the door and Sandor was there, his arm around her, guiding her out of the room and into the hall. Once outside the door, he pulled her into his chest, sheltering her from the noise coming from the room and the sense of desolation trying to wash over her.

Suddenly another pair of arms was there, hugging her. And a warm, comforting scent. “Is she all right, Sandor?”

“She is strong, Mama.”

Ellie lifted her head. “Hera?”

“Yes, my child. I am here.” The older woman’s eyes were filled with compassion. “Come, let us go to the waiting room.”

“I told him I wouldn’t leave the hall.”

“The room, it is right here, off the hallway. Not more than ten steps. You will know instantly if he has need of you. Sandor will make sure of it, but child you need to sit down.”

Sandor agreed and between the two of them, he and his mother managed to convince Ellie to go to the waiting room and sit. They took a place on either side of her on the small sofa against one wall. There was no one else there and Ellie was glad. She never fell apart like this. She’d hate to have strangers witness her weakened state.

Sandor had his arm around her shoulder and she leaned against him, drawing on his strength.

Hera held Ellie’s hand with one of hers and patted it with her other one. “You have had a difficult day, no?”

Ellie gave a shaky sigh. “Yes.”

“Sandor told me all about it.”

Ellie’s head came up at that and she looked from mother to son. “All of it?”

Hera’s dark eyes so like her son’s, were filled with compassion. “Yes. All. My son, he was very stupid, but you must give him some credit. He did not know of your sister any more than you did.”

“Did he tell you about the business merger?”

Hera’s expression turned infinitely sad. “Yes. He and your father, they do not understand a woman’s heart, do they?”

“No. I don’t think they do.”

“I am sitting right here,” Sandor complained.

“And you are lucky to be so. Do not push it, my son.”

Ellie choked out a laugh. “He’s been watching out for me. He came to get me. I wasn’t answering my phone.”

“I know. He called me from his car on the way to your apartment.”

“I might not have known.” Tears threatened again. “What if Dad had died and I didn’t know it?”

“Do not think this way. All will be well.”

Ellie nodded, choking back tears.

The doctor came into the room. “Miss Wentworth?”

Ellie looked up at him. “Yes?”

“We’ve sedated your father. He needs rest right now.”

“What happened?”

“You’ve heard the phrase, ‘His heart couldn’t take it’?”


“That’s exactly what happened. It’s actually very rare, but the shock of learning your sister was alive and apparently combined with some painful personal inner revelations, it was all simply too much for him. The good news is that tests show minimal damage to his heart and he should enjoy a full recovery, but he needs rest and relief from stress.”

“He runs a multinational company…I think he lives on the stress.”

“He’ll have to learn to live on something else for a while.”

Ellie looked up at Sandor. “How?” That’s all she asked, but she knew he knew what she meant.

“I will work with his executive officers and keep the company running smoothly. Hawk will find your sister and all will be well. Believe me,pethi mou .”

“I want to, but I’m scared.”

“You have to have faith,” Hera said, squeezing her hand. “Sandor will help you.”
