Page 13 of All Roads Lead Home

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He looked at me blankly.

“They are better than spies.”

At this, he beamed at me.

Lucas looked nothing like me or my sister. His skin had a nice tan, with raven-black hair and cute hazel eyes. I put him in a pair of black joggers, tennis shoes, and a white t-shirt.

“Okay, buddy, give me a few and I’ll get ready.”

I put some cartoons on the TV in my room while I went to check that the door was locked. Then I left the door to the bathroom open while I took a quick shower. The first thing I had learned when I became in charge of Lucas was that there was no more privacy. My tiny human followed me everywhere.

Once we were both ready, I took his hand and led him to my car. I made sure he was secure in his car seat, then slipped his sunglasses on.

“You’ve got to leave them on, bud. We are now on a mission.”

He nodded in agreement. It was probably the only way to get him to keep them on for more than two minutes. And I did not buy him those sunnies for him to outgrow them. I looked at the map to where the location of my phone was. I mean, I could have gotten the police involved, but by doing that, it would get Clark Not-Love-of-My-Life Carson involved as well and, well, we didn’t need that kind of negativity in our life. At least not now.

Twenty minutes later, I was pulling up to the house where my phone had been detected. I bit my lip. If it were anywhere else in the world, I would not have been getting ready to walk up and knock on the door and ask for my phone back.

This was Sunny Pines, so I was sure I was more than fine.

“Okay, Lucas, are you ready to do spy work?”

“Rwedy,” he assured me.

“Since this is your first mission, my little spy, you will have to keep watch from the car.”

He just stared at me, not sure where I was going with this. To be honest, I wasn’t sure myself, but I was rolling with it.

Here goes nothing.


My sleep was shit.

Honestly, I couldn’t figure out why. The Callahan case has been ongoing for years. It was the main reason why Prescott had stayed in office as long as he did. Why, even though he was suffocating in this town, he still stayed. And now more than ever, we were close to cracking it.

Except for last night, when it all went to hell.

With a groan, I jumped in the shower before I had to go back into the station.

On my way to the precinct, I stopped by the diner to get pastries and coffee because the coffee was shit at the station. One of the first things I would do when I became chief was either upgrade our coffee machine or see if we could get a deal with Em’s to supply our stuff.

Trust the timing in your life.

I stopped to take a look at the words on the blackboard and fought the urge to snort. The timing in my life? Let’s see… Everything was going perfectly yesterday, and thenOreocame back to town.

My nose twitched at the strange feeling that spread through me. Seeing her again was a little startling, if I was being honest. I still remembered what she had looked like the day I saved her. Long, brown braids, red-rimmed eyes, and a willowy dress with a Peter Pan collar and no shoes on.

My home life was good. My parents were fucking fantastic, but everyone knew what had happened to her dad. Maybe just not her. She was young, and I guessed that had been the unlucky day she had found out. It was the first time in nineteen years that I had felt fear. Here was this little girl running down the street with tears in her eyes, not noticing the car that was already barreling down.

I hadn’t thought; I’d acted and took off running, tackling her backward, then turning us around mid-air so I would take the brunt of the fall.

Now, yesterday was a whole different story, if Prescott’s nose was anything to go by. The little girl I had rescued was still causing trouble, except she wasn’t so little anymore. Her hair was short, just a bit above her shoulders in soft waves. Although she no longer had a baby face, there was still a softness to her features, and her glasses did nothing to hide those long lashes.She was always a mouthy little thing, except for this time…shit.Her banter was welcome and refreshing.

“You’re here early.” My brother, Jake’s, voice pulled me from my thoughts.

“I’m fucking tired,” I groaned.
