Page 122 of Break the Ice

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“Yep. He was the captain of our high school hockey team. I thought we had our future all planned out while he was busy hooking up with Tierney every time my back was turned, laughing at me. Pitying me.”

“I don’t know what’s worse. His betrayal or hers. You never break girl code for a boy.”

I nodded. “It made me reevaluate our friendship for sure. But it also made me realize that she was only friends with me because she pitied me.”

“Pitied you?”

“When you look like this”—I brushed a hand down my body—“kids can be cruel.”

“Aurora, that’s not—”

“Please don’t insult me by telling me it’s not true. I’ve lived it for years, Ella. If they weren’t whispering dirty slurs about my boobs, they were calling me wide load or thunder thighs.

“Sorry, you’re right. I didn’t mean to invalidate your feelings. You’re beautiful, Aurora. I hope you know that. At least you’ve put them in your rearview mirror now.”

“Yeah.” I gave her a tight-lipped smile.

“People suck.”

“They really, really do.”

We reached the building, and Ella held open the door for me. “We should definitely go out for that drink,” she said. “I have a friend, Jordan, I think the two of you would really hit it off.”

“Oh, I’m not looking to be set up on any more dates.”

“Relax, Jordan is a she, and whilst you are exactly her type”—Ella grinned—“she is completely smitten with her girlfriend, Noelle.”

“I’m in, so long as we can go somewhere the guys won’t be.”

A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes. “I know just the place.”

I avoided the house for as long as possible, but eventually, I had to go back. Of course, I chose the exact moment everyone had decided to gather in the kitchen.

“Rory, baby, that you?” Connor called.

“It’s me.”

“Get your cute butt in here. We’ve got takeout.”

Resisting the urge to bolt upstairs, I held my head high, gave myself a silent pep talk, and headed for the kitchen.


“Where the hell have you been all day?” Austin said.

“It’s this thing called class. You should try it sometime.”

“Funny. I mean, our messages. You haven’t been answering.”

“Oh, I forgot to charge my phone last night, and it died pretty much the moment I got on campus.”

“They have those FuelRod kiosks all over campus. You could have—”

“It’s good to switch off for a few hours,” I cut him off. “With all your hockey group chats, you should try it once and a while.”

“Noodles, little Hart?” Connor slung his arm over my shoulder. “Or there’s sesame chicken or crispy shredded beef.”

“I’m good, thanks. I already ate.”
