Page 150 of Break the Ice

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Because now I’d said the words, I could imagine her spread out on my bed, naked, skin flushed, and eyes heavy. Yeah, I needed a permanent reminder of that.

One I could keep and use when I was on the road with the team.

“This is nice,” I said, pulling Aurora closer to my side.

“Yeah,” she murmured. “How are you feeling about the season?”

“I’m ready. Freshman year was a chance to prove myself, but in some ways, the pressure is really on now. Especially if you’re in the crowd.”

“I’m sure you’ll have a number of adoring fans screaming your name,” she chuckled, but it was lost on me.

“Don’t do that, shortcake. Don’t try and downplay this.”


“No. Quit acting like I make a habit of doing this with other girls because I don’t. You’re the exception to the rule, Aurora. The only girl I want cheering me on.”

“I… sometimes you really are the sweetest.” She laid her hand against my cheek, dusting a kiss over my lips. But it wasn’t enough. I needed more.

I needed so much more.

“Okay, movie time is over,” I announced, crowding her back onto the couch and climbing over her.

“Noah, we can’t—”

“Sure, we can, shortcake. They won’t be home for—”

The door lock rattled, and I stilled above her. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

“Bad luck, Romeo,” she pressed her hands against my chest, giving a little sigh as she shoved me away.

“This isn’t over.”

“Famous last words, hotshot.”

Connor and Austin’s voices filled the hall, their heavy footsteps growing nearer.

“Honey, we’re home,” Connor called.

I moved to one end of the sofa, and Aurora kicked her feet up, putting a physical barrier between us. She smoothed her hair and pulled a cushion on her lap, cuddling it.

Jealousy streaked through me, and I realized at that point that I’d lost my fucking mind.

Jealous of a cushion, really, Holden?

“Hey,” she said as they entered the room.

“We were just watching a movie.”

“Romantic,” Connor chuckled, and I glowered at him.

“You have a strange perception of romance, Con, if you think watching Noah eat his body weight in popcorn is romance. Poor Ella.” She slid her gaze to mine, silent laughter shining in her eyes.

“Quit talking about Rory like she’s stupid enough to fall for this asshole’s lack of game,” Austin grumbled, throwing himself down in the chair.

“What’s up with you?” I asked.

“Women are fucking crazy.”
