Page 156 of Break the Ice

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Aurora: You are incorrigible.

Noah: I think you mean irresistible.

I smothered a laugh. He had more ego than I had literary quote t-shirts.

“Something funny, Rory, baby?” Connor called, and I met his knowing gaze with an indifferent smile.

“Not really.”

“Huh.” He grinned, and Ella elbowed him in the ribs, the two of them sharing a whispered word.

“Why do I feel like I’m missing something?” Jordan said.

“Probably because you are, babe,” Noelle chuckled, getting up. “Dance with me.” She held her hand out, and Jordan slid her own into it.


“Dancing!” Dayna clapped, grabbing Aiden’s hand. “Come on, babe.”

“Freckles, come on. It’s—”

“Please,” she pouted, whispering something in his ear.

“Fine. Let’s go.” The two of them followed Jordan and Noelle out to the dancefloor.

“Do we need to stay and make sure you two make good choices?” Connor said, failing to hide his amusement.

“Connor,” Ella said, shooting me an apologetic smile. “Just remember what we talked about,” she added quietly.

The second she and Connor were gone, Noah turned to me. “And here, I always liked Ella.”

“She’s only looking out for me.”

“Do I even want to know what she said?” Hurt flashed in his eyes.

“Nothing I haven’t already told myself a hundred times already.”

Silence hung between us.

“Dance with me.” His hand inched closer to my thigh, brushing the curve of my knee, setting off a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

“Noah, we can’t—”

“Sure, we can, shortcake. No one here cares. It isn’t a Lakers hangout.”

“Aiden and Connor—”

“It’s one little dance.” His hand wrapped around mine as he got up, pulling me with him.

It was a bad idea, the worst. I didn’t dance. Let alone dance with a guy like Noah. But I was powerless against him.

He pulled me into the sea of bodies, crowding in close as he swayed his hips. “Dance with me.”

My eyes shuttered as I tried to calm my racing heart. But I was so nervous, the lights and noise and crowd making it difficult to breathe until I felt his mouth at my ear.

“I’m right here, Aurora. Nobody is watching you but me.” His hand drifted down my waist, anchoring us together.

And then we were dancing, moving as one to the beat. I tried to search for my friends in the crowd, but I only saw Noah. His smile. His deep brown eyes that always seemed to see right past my defenses.
