Page 173 of Break the Ice

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“Aurora isn’t like us. She doesn’t know how to live in our world. If you two go public, she’ll be picked to shreds by the puck bunnies on social media. She’s not ready for that. Not to mention the fact Austin will break your face.”

“She doesn’t want to tell anyone yet.”

“See, case in point. She doesn’t want to tell anyone because she knows what will happen. And what are you going to do every time someone scrutinizes your relationship? You already gave Adams a black eye. You can’t go around beating the crap out of every guy or girl on campus who says something that might upset her.”

“I would never hit a girl,” I scoffed, offended that he would even suggest it.

“And then you’ll be a grenade on the ice, one second away from detonating every time someone upsets her. That kind of anger isn’t good for you, and it isn’t good for the team. Look at what happened to Dumfries, where he ended up because he let his temper get the better of him.”

“That asshole who trash-talked his mom deserved it.”

“Yeah, and he was lucky it was off-season. Or else he could have kissed his senior year goodbye.” Connor rubbed his jaw. “Actions have consequences, Holden. You know that. It’s what I tried telling you before you crossed the line with her.”

“So that’s it then? I just end things with her?”

“No, Noah. That’s not what we’re saying—”

“Uh, yeah, babe. It kind of is.” Connor gave me a sympathetic smile. “It’s for the best, Holden, you know that. Save her the heartache now rather than down the line when you’re both in too deep.”

“Yeah.” I ran a hand down the back of my neck, exhaling a steady breath.

He was right.

They both were.

Aurora had said it herself. We were too different. I didn’t date for a reason, and if the story about her ex was true, she had every reason to swear off guys for the rest of her life.

Especially hockey players.

If let we things go any further, the fallout will only become messier.

She’d known. She’d fucking known I would break her heart. But she didn’t know I’d be breaking my own too.

“I’m sorry, man,” Connor said.

“Yeah,” I got up and headed for the door. “Me too.”



“Hello, is this Aurora Hart?”

“It is.”

“It’s Melinda calling from student housing. I just wanted to let you know we have some good news. Your apartment should be ready midweek. You can come by and collect your keys Tuesday.”

“Oh, I see.”

“You don’t sound too pleased?” she said.

“Oh no, I am. Thank you. I’ll see you Tuesday.”

The relief I’d expected to feel when I finally got the call that my apartment was ready never came. Because the truth was, I’d gotten used to living with the guys.

Liked it, even.

We weren’t always in each other’s pockets, and I still spent a lot of time in my room by myself, but it was nice to know that someone was usually there if I wanted to hang out or chat.
