Page 197 of Break the Ice

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He swallowed thickly. “You love me.” The shadows in his eyes melted away, replaced with burning adoration.

“Yeah, I kind of do.”

“I’ve never been in love before.”

“Another first. I’m honored.”

“Are you mocking me, shortcake?”

“Never.” I grinned.

God, this was so easy.

So right.

“What?” Noah asked.

“I just—”

A loud bang pierced the air, and Noah groaned, “Expecting visitors?” He cocked his brow.

“At this time? No.”

“I swear to God, if it’s Austin or Connor, I will—”

“Austin?” I balked. “It had better not be Austin, or you’re going to have to hide.”

“Yeah, not happening, shortcake. So get that idea out of your pretty little head.”

The knocking got louder, setting my teeth on edge. “Just… stay here.” I climbed out of bed with a little huff and pulled on my nightshirt.

Slipping out of my bedroom, I closed the door behind me and crossed the living room.

“Rory, open up. I brought breakfast.”

“Oh, shit,” I whisper-shrieked.

It was Austin.

What the hell was he doing here at this time? It was nine-thirty on a Saturday morning, for Pete’s sake.

“Just a minute,” I called, panic rising inside me.

“Come on, Sis. It’s going cold.”


Noah appeared, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed.

“Time to pull off the Band-Aid, shortcake,” he said, making a beeline for the door.

“Noah, I swear to God, don’t you da—”

“Hey, man. What’s up?”

“Holden?” My brother’s mouth fell open as he took in Noah standing there at my door in all his half-naked glory. “What are you… no.” He looked to me, then Noah, and back again. “No fucking way.”
