Page 22 of Break the Ice

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“Aurora?” Ella asked.

“I’m good, thanks.”

“You’re still on your first glass.”

“I don’t drink a lot. I’m a bit of a lightweight.”

And I couldn’t handle the hangover cravings.

“All the more for me,” Dayna sang, gulping down her wine like it was going out of fashion.

I glanced at Ella, wondering if this was normal Dayna behavior, but she was too focused on her friend to notice me.

“Dayna, honey, is everything okay?”

“Why wouldn’t everything be fine? I mean, I’m fine. Are you fine? It’s fine, right? Everything is fiiiine.”

“Sweetie,” Ella got up and scooched next to her. “Talk to us. What’s going on?”

“Maybe I should go,” I suggested, feeling like a spectator to their friendship. But the second I said the words, Dayna blurted, “AidensuggestedwethinkaboutgettingaplacetogetherandI’mtotallyfreakingout.”

“Oh my God, he didn’t?”

She nodded. “We stayed at the house last weekend, but he got pissed at Ward for interrupting us constantly. Then the next morning, we were lying in bed, and he just came out with it. But it’s too soon. I mean, it’s barely been three months.”

“Holy shit, this is amazing. I mean, I knew you were getting serious, but I didn’t know… Wait a minute, I’m over here all excited, picking out your moving-in present, and you seem like you’re freaking out.”

“Because I am freaking out. Tell her, Aurora. Three months is too soon, right?”

“I… uh, I mean, it is quick, but I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule with these things.”

“Exactly,” Ella agreed. “You love each other, and being apart most of the week has got to suck. And I know what a drag it is staying over at your boyfriend’s place when his friends are home. Present company excluded.” She flashed me a bright smile.

I felt like an intruder in their conversation. I didn’t know them yet, not really. Not in the ways that mattered. But I couldn’t deny there was something about these two girls that made me want to be a part of their inner circle.

Still, I found myself on the periphery, listening to them hash out the pros and cons of Aiden’s moving-in proposal. But the more wine they drank, the more Ella talked Dayna around. Until she finally stood up and declared, “I think I’m going to do it. I think I’m going to move in with my boyfriend.”

“Oh my God, babe, this is so freaking exciting.” The two of them hugged, squealing with excitement as I sat there, feeling like a third wheel. “You need to call him right now,” Ella said.

“Oh my God, I do. This is crazy. It’s not crazy, is it?”

“Just call him.” Ella gave her a little shove and came and joined me on the love seat. “Sorry if we got a little carried away, but I’m so excited for them and maybe a teeny tiny little bit jealous.”

“You and Connor haven’t talked about it?”

“Not yet. He loves living with Austin and Noah, and I know he won’t want to leave them in a bind.” She got up again. “I’m going to grab a bag of crackers to soak up some of this wine, or I’ll pay for it in the morning. You want anything?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“I have other snacks. Donuts, Reese’s pieces, I think there’s some B and J’s too if you prefer ice cream.”

“Honestly, I’m fine. I ate before I left.” I thought back to the batch of cookies I made… and didn’t eat. The ones Noah couldn’t get enough of.

God, I really needed to stop thinking about him.

Ella went to the kitchen and armed herself with enough snacks to feed the entire building. When she returned, she dumped them all down on the coffee table and turned her attention to me again.

“Sorry about earlier if we overstepped about the whole get back on the horse thing. We would never push you into doing something you’re not comfortable with, but Dayna did have a point. Every woman deserves to experience good sex in her lifetime.”
