Page 53 of Break the Ice

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But I was already gone, weaving through the sea of bodies until a hand shot out and grabbed me. “Rory, baby, there you are.” Connor grinned. “Dance with us.”

“Oh no, I don’t—”

“Yes, Rory. Dance with us.” Ella wrapped her arms around me, a goofy smile on her face.

“You’re drunk,” I said.

“Don’t tell anyone.” She winked, grabbing my hand and moving it to the heavy beat. Billie Eilish’s haunting voice rose above the bass, pulsing through me like a second heartbeat.

“I love this song,” Ella shouted, weaving our hands together.

“I need water,” I said, pulling away.

“What, no. Stay.” She pouted.

“I’ll be back.”

I wouldn’t. But I didn’t have the heart to tell her that.

I managed to make it into the kitchen unscathed. A couple of guys leered in my direction. I didn’t recognize them, but their zombie schoolboy costumes were pretty convincing.

“Excuse me,” I said, slipping past them to get to the faucet.

They went back to their conversation, and I helped myself to a glass of water. Hopefully, they would pick the winner of the damn costume contest soon because I wanted to leave.

Digging my cell phone out of the little purse attached to my dress, I checked the time.

I was about to go in search of my brother when I overheard the guys talking.

“Hey, Adams, what about her?” I heard one of them say.



“More like a chubby bunny. Have you seen her ass? It should come with its own warning label.” He exploded with laughter.

“Oh, I don’t know. She’s kind of cute. And did you see the rack on her? If Mila turns me down again, and I sink some more shots, maybe I’ll hit that. I bet she’s a dirty girl with tits like that.”

Spinning around, I glowered at them. “Well, she isn’t interested in either of you.”

I stormed past them, their laughter tearing into me like shrapnel, slicing old wounds open, and letting me bleed out on the floor.

Why the hell had I let the guys talk me into wearing this stupid dress?

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, but I swallowed them down as I headed for the front door. Outside, I booked an Uber and quickly sent the group chat a quick message.

Aurora: I’m leaving, not feeling so good. Sorry, Connor. I know you wanted to win.

Nobody replied, but then, I didn’t expect them to. Austin had barely been around. Connor was dancing with Ella. And Noah… well, he had his hands full with Sam.

The car pulled up two minutes later, and I climbed inside, glancing back at Lakers House.

I didn’t belong there.

I never would.

I was just about to get to the good part in my book, the third-act breakup where the hero realized he loved the heroine and needed to employ some epic grovel to win her back when I heard footsteps out in the hall.
